Unraveling the Mystery of IBS: A Journey Through Tests, Trials, and Triumphs

IBS — Irritable bowel syndrome

Saba Khan
Small Steps
4 min readOct 7, 2023


Captured from my perspective as I lay down: the mesmerizing ceiling juxtaposed with the delicate leaves on the side table, all while penning down this blog.

A few years ago, nestled in the heart of my work, I was suddenly ambushed by an unanticipated and sharp stomachache and acute abdominal pain. Initially attributing it to prolonged sitting, I decided to take a short walk. But, as minutes turned into hours, the pain only deepened, culminating in a harrowing experience in the restroom.

This distressing episode marked the onset of a lengthy journey of consultations, hours of examinations, misdiagnoses, and personal revelations.

1. The Initial Consultation - A Simplistic Diagnosis: Hoping for a quick fix, I approached a local doctor. Her diagnosis was brief and to the point: constipation. Trusting her judgment, I began a regimen of the prescribed medication. Yet, the torment remained steadfast.

2. The Search Continues - Overlooking the Obvious: Determined to get to the root of the issue, my next stop was another town gastroenterologist. His assessment, much like the previous one, was disappointingly surface-level. Chalking it up to age, he handed me a prescription, along with a generic supplement named “Lacti Fibre”, urging me not to fixate on my condition. But even after following his advice and medication regime, the relief was only temporary.

3. Broadening the Scope - A Glimmer of Insight: Growing increasingly frustrated, I sought a third medical opinion. This doctor emphasized the stress factor, suggesting that my troubles might be more psychological than physical. His prescription provided momentary relief, but the side effects, like elevated blood pressure, left me dizzy and alarmed. Despair loomed large as a lasting solution remained elusive.

4. Seeking Specialized Insight: Pushed by my growing anguish, I made my way to Mumbai, seeking the expertise of a distinguished gastroenterologist at a top-tier hospital. This expert, with an extensive background in gastrointestinal health, delved deeper into my daily habits, nutrition, and emotional well-being. Once again, the spotlight was on the pervasive role of stress in my condition. But recognizing my thirst for tangible answers, he endorsed a battery of comprehensive tests. These confirmed a clear intestinal pathway, reinforcing the stress-induced nature of my ailment. However, the potent medicines he prescribed led to dizziness, episodes of blackouts, and overwhelming faintness. Consequently, I had to halt the medication regimen.

5. Collaborative Expertise — Three Specialists, One Solution: Seeking definitive answers, I set out to meet another of Mumbai’s esteemed gastroenterologists. Our consultation was refreshingly thorough. Beyond my physical symptoms, he delved into my daily routines, dietary habits, and, notably, my mental and emotional state. Stress, he postulated, could be a significant contributor to my symptoms. To substantiate this, he recommended a series of detailed diagnostic tests:

  • CBC, TSH, calcium, electrolytes, HbA1c, stool routine.
  • Physiological studies like anorectal manometry and transit studies.
  • Further comprehensive tests, including a colonic transit study and MR defecography.

However, the pursuit of a definitive diagnosis didn’t end in Mumbai. In Ahmedabad, I met another gastroenterologist and a surgeon. Their combined expertise and perspectives further illuminated the path to understanding and addressing my health concerns, aligning with the insights I’d gathered in Mumbai.

6. The Diagnosis & Introspection - Unearthing Deep-seated Issues: After these exhaustive diagnostics, the verdict was clear: Chronic IBS, further complicated by rectal and uterine prolapse. Another specialist confirmed these findings, underscoring the pivotal role stress played in triggering my condition.

This revelation prompted profound introspection. I confronted a myriad of emotional burdens I had been shouldering:

  • Persistent feelings of being misunderstood.
  • Lingering sensations of neglect, exploitation, and ill-treatment.
  • Fears, guilt, uncertainties, and complex personal and professional dynamics.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body — The Way Forward: Healthy mind and body play a crucial role in anyone’s well-being. I realize that some things are hard to shake off, but the power to try remains in our grasp. Channeling your energy into healthy activities can serve as a powerful distraction from stressful thoughts. More importantly, these habits lay a foundation for long-term well-being, systematically steering your mind toward your goals. To foster this transformative mindset:

  • Learn a new language.
  • Master a musical instrument.
  • Embark on travel adventures.
  • Experiment with different routes to work or home.
  • Engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • Test your culinary skills with unfamiliar recipes.
  • Broaden your horizons by exploring new newspapers or magazines.
  • Delve into the world of literature.
  • Step into the realm of podcasting.
  • Repeatedly affirm your worth and capabilities.
  • Find solace in humming, chanting, or praying.
  • Establish clear life goals, visualize their attainment, and cultivate gratitude.

Recognizing the imperative for a multi-dimensional approach to healing, I embarked on a comprehensive plan. This consisted of:

  • Harmonizing medicinal intake with physical activity, such as gymming.
  • Integrating sports, such as badminton, into my regimen.
  • Nourishing my intellect with literature, reading, recording, and writing.
  • Reviving former passions, like hip-hop dancing, and singing.
  • Rediscovering solace in prayer, a beacon of spiritual rejuvenation.
  • Contemplating therapeutic dialogue via counseling.
  • Attaining tranquility by recognizing aspects beyond my influence and letting them go.

I managed to significantly triumph over IBS, so much so that within a month, I ceased medication and immersed myself in gym workouts, sports, and other enriching pursuits. My initial step was a firm mental rejection of IBS, effectively willing it away through manifestation.

Life, with its multifaceted challenges, demands tenacity and introspection. At times, we might find ourselves lost or overwhelmed. However, with tenacity, introspection, and proactive measures, we can find our way out. Stay steadfast in your journey, and remember: you’ll get there. Persevere, and have faith in your journey’s ultimate success.

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Saba Khan
Small Steps

Founder of a tech firm. Life|Systems|Exec. Coach. Traveler|Explorer|Athlete. Learning & striving to positively impact lives through Work| Ideas| Travel| Health.