Why I Switched to 1Password and Dumped LastPass

Switching your password manager is amazingly quick and easy

Vinod Sharma
Small Steps


Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

After a ten-year relationship, I have broken up with LastPass. I am loving 1Password and would highly recommend you to try it.

I started using LastPass a very long time ago. I don’t even remember when and it was a good friend until recently.

Because of LastPass, I didn’t have to remember my passwords, and I could use a stronger password for each site I used. Before LastPass, my passwords were either very simple or based on logic that included a few things. I was following regular password advice learnt at work or through friends.

Then LastPass came into my life. Initially, I hesitated and was afraid of using complex passwords. What if LastPass stopped working and I could not remember my passwords? Then came the biggest worry: What if I forgot the LastPass password? I overcame these fears by giving myself more time to understand how things worked, and with practice, our relationship kicked off.

Meanwhile, I also tried Keypass (a non-cloud password solution that my brother suggested), password solutions built into browsers such as Firefox and Google Chrome, and a few other password solutions. LastPass was the winner of all the choices I had at that time.



Vinod Sharma
Small Steps

I help tech startup founders with product development, strategic planning, and building high-performing teams. https://vinodsharma.co