Zero to One (and beyond): The Path to Financial Independence

If an engineer with no interest in finance can do it, so can you!

Mohit Chawla
Small Steps


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As a 17 year old who had just made it into the prestigious and ever so celebrated Indian Institute of Technology (a.k.a IITs: the premier engineering institute in India and renowned all over the world for some of the most successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - read: Apple, Google, Microsoft, PepsiCo and the list goes on …), I wouldn’t have bet a $ worth that I’d be finance savvy or living a semi-retired life in my mid-30s!

How did it all start?

From studying engineering and working on a start-up in Silicon Valley as a teenager to a management (MBA) degree at HEC Paris and Stanford University in California and onwards to investment banking, private equity at the likes of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley London, the path has been less trodden by. On the basis of anecdotal references, I will try to convert on my journey into “quick learning pro tips” across my posts as easy takeaways.

Do you want to be Financially Independent And Retire Early (FIRE)?

A lot of people are chasing the FIRE, to sit at a beachside on the Greek islands of Santorini or Mykonos or in the South of…



Mohit Chawla
Small Steps

Investor ✍ All-things-Finance, Start-ups, Markets | IIT, Stanford, HEC Paris Alum | Ex-Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley |