The mountain comes to Muhammad

Project Echo uses telecommunications technology to train and mentor health providers in rural communities. What worked first in New Mexico is now spreading globally.

KSFR Santa Fe
Small towns, big change
1 min readJul 1, 2016


KSFR/Santa Fe Public Radio

In many rural communities, access to specialty care represents the biggest health challenge. Since 2003, a groundbreaking initiative at the University of New Mexico has confronted that gap — with promising results in small towns across New Mexico and, now, around the world. It’s called Project Echo, and as KSFR reporter Ellen Berkovitch learned through interviews with its founder, Doctor Sanjeev Arora, the innovative health-care mentoring model is already a game changer for medicine.

Project ECHO’s model is spreading across the country, and increasingly the world. Map courtesy of Project ECHO.

Project ECHO uses medical specialists and telecommunications technology to train and mentor health care providers in rural communities. These providers then apply the knowledge they gain to address complex disease processes from Hepatitis C and HIV to diabetes and addictions in their home communities. The model has seen rapid expansion locally, nationally and internationally. Now a Senate bill has been proposed to extend Project ECHO even more systematically throughout the US. Ellen Berkovitch has the story.

