How to prioritize tasks in Notion (and get work done)

Miyavi Lin
Small Wins
Published in
7 min readApr 12, 2024

We’ve all been there.

Waking up in the morning, writing a to-do list and starting the day full of motivation and determination. We prioritize and rearrange the tasks, marking those that are the most important.

But as time passes, we gradually realize that we’re falling behind; it seems there’s simply not enough time in the day to complete all the tasks. The day ends in a tiring marathon of work, and yet, there are still unfinished tasks on the list. The next day, the cycle repeats itself.

Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Without a process for prioritizing tasks at work, it always feels like we’re playing catch-up.

But there’s good news. There are several steps you can take to prioritize your tasks effectively, especially with the help of Notion.

Step 1: Create a To-Do List

This might sound obvious, but it’s powerfully effective.

There’s extensive research that shows how making checklists can significantly boost productivity. In the book “The Checklist Manifesto”, Atul Gawande shows that using checklists in healthcare can reduce problems and deaths. Checklists make sure all steps are followed, which helps patients get better.

When creating a to-do list, here are some tips:

  • List all tasks: Include everything that needs doing.
  • Be precise: Avoid vague tasks and be detailed.
  • Divide big tasks: Make overwhelming tasks manageable by splitting them.

To better categorize them, you can add additional informations like:

  • Due dates
  • The amount of time each will take to complete
  • Link inter-related tasks
  • Add labels (based on the type of task. e.g., work, life)

Task List in Notion

In Notion, using a database for your to-do list is better than just using checkboxes. This helps you manage your tasks better.

First, Notion’s databases let you give more details about each task, like when it’s due, how long it’ll take, related tasks, and labels for categorizing. You can see these details easily in a table or board format, unlike with checkboxes.

Second, databases are better for organizing and sorting tasks. You can sort tasks by due dates, importance, and other things. You can also filter tasks to only show the ones you want to see, which is helpful when you have a lot of tasks.

Lastly, databases let you link tasks to other pages or databases. This lets you create complex connections between tasks. For instance, you can link a task to a project page, or connect it to a contact you know.

  • Notion’s databases provide detailed information about tasks.
  • They offer superior organization and sorting of tasks.
  • Databases allow for interlinking tasks with other pages or databases.

In short, using a database instead of checkboxes for tasks in Notion can make you more productive by giving you a better system for managing tasks.

Step 2: Adopt a Task Prioritization Method

There are several methods to prioritize tasks. Here are three of the most effective:

Method 1: The Eisenhower Box

The Eisenhower matrix, also known as the Eisenhower box or the Time Management matrix, is a simple tool for organizing your tasks based on their importance and urgency.

This matrix is divided into four quadrants:

  • Urgent and important (→Do)
    These tasks, crucial for your goals, require immediate attention and completion by tomorrow at the latest.
  • Important (→Decide)
    These important yet non-immediate tasks, often linked to long-term goals and personal development, should be scheduled for later.
  • Urgent (→Delegate)
    They need to be completed promptly, but they do not contribute to your long-term goals.
  • Neither (→ Delete)
    Remove tasks not contributing to long-term goals or immediate needs to save time.

Create an Eisenhower Box in Notion

Creating an Eisenhower Matrix in Notion is easy.

  1. Create a task database
  2. Add a single-select property to include the four quadrants: Do, Decide, Delegate, Delete
  3. Create a layout using callout blocks, and add database views filtered by each quadrant inside the blocks.

By using the Eisenhower Matrix in Notion, you can visually categorize tasks and make quick decisions about what to work on next.

It can help you stay focused on tasks that align with your long-term goals while also handling urgent tasks that need immediate attention.

Method 2: The ABCDE Method

This method involves assigning a letter from A (most important) to E (least important) to each task. Within each category, tasks can also be ranked numerically.

Here are some tips to use the ABCDE method effectively:

  • Be honest about the importance of your tasks.
    It’s easy to label everything as an ‘A’ task, but that defeats the purpose of this method. Be honest and realistic about the importance of each task.
  • Reassess your tasks regularly.
    Priorities change, and so should your task list. Make sure to regularly reassess your tasks and adjust their labels as needed.
  • Don’t ignore the ‘E’ tasks:
    It’s easy to focus on the ‘A’ tasks and ignore the rest, but remember to delegate ‘D’ tasks and eliminate ‘E’ tasks. This will help you stay focused on what truly matters.

* ABCDE Method Example

Task priority of a software engineer:

  1. Task A: Fix a critical app bug.
  2. Task B: Code a new feature for next week’s launch.
  3. Task C: Update project documentation.
  4. Task D: Attend a team-building workshop.
  5. Task E: Clean email inbox.

* Implementing the ABCDE method in Notion is straightforward:

  1. Begin by creating a task database.
  2. Add a single-select property and label it “Priority.”
  3. Input the options ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, and ‘E’.
  4. Assign a priority to each task according to its importance.

With the ABCDE method implemented in Notion, you can easily sort your tasks based on priority and have a clear view of what you need to focus on.

Method 3: The Ivy Lee Method

This century-old method involves just six tasks. At the end of each day, write down the 6 most important tasks for the following day and prioritize them. The next day, start with the first task and move on to the next only when it is completed.

Here are some tips to effectively use the Ivy Lee method:

  • Limit to six tasks: Focus on key tasks to avoid losing direction.
  • Prioritize: Be honest about task importance.
  • 1 task at a time: Multitasking can cause errors and lower productivity.
  • Tasks drag on days? Change the priority.
  • Consistency: Make it a habit to list tasks daily for effective results.

Implementing the Ivy Lee method in Notion is simple:

  1. Create a database for your tasks.
  2. Build 2 database views:
    (1) To-dos (filtered as undone tasks): where you add your daily 6 tasks
    (2) All tasks
  3. Every evening, add six tasks to this database and order them according to their importance.
  4. The next day, focus on completing these tasks in the order they are listed. Only move on to the next task when the previous one is completed.
  5. At the end of the day, review your progress and prepare the list for the next day.

By using the Ivy Lee method in Notion, you can better focus on your tasks and improve your productivity significantly.

Step 3: Use a Project/Task Management Template to Schedule Your Tasks

After listing your to-dos (Step 1) and prioritizing them (Step 2), it’s essential to organize your tasks in a management tool.

Doing so allows you to clearly see all your tasks in one place, track your progress, and make adjustments as needed. It also helps to ensure that no tasks are forgotten or overlooked. I highly recommend utilizing Notion templates for this purpose.

These templates can help you create a structured work system, allowing for a more streamlined and efficient process. Once set up, this system can almost function on autopilot, saving you valuable time and effort in the long run.

Effectively prioritizing tasks is key to productivity.

With the help of Notion and various task prioritization methods, you can create a structured and efficient work process.

It might take some time to learn and get used to these methods, but the long-term benefits they bring in terms of productivity and work-life balance are worth it.

Try these steps today and see how they can change your work routine!

This article is from issue #10 of my Work Smart newsletter.

Every Wednesday, I’ll deliver useful content about Notion or productivity, directly to your inbox.

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Miyavi Lin
Small Wins

Marketing manager|New writer|Cat lover 🐈 Exploring life