All Fortunes Begin With an Idea!

Harish R
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2024

A new idea is simply the combination of two or further old ideas. The creation of a new idea is the critical first step in establishing any business.

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

People who conjure of setting up their own business but do not succeed, generally fall into one of three orders:
1) too many ideas
2) too numerous ideas or
3) staying for the’ perfect idea’.
Any of these three countries of mind may hamper the budding entrepreneur.

Would be entrepreneurs’ with too many ideas.

These individualities generally say” if only I had’ an idea’ for a business.”
Just flash back that if you say you do not have’ an idea’ it really means you have’ no- idea’! If this applies to you, you need to get cracking on that’ first idea’ presto! As soon as you’re suitable to conjure commodity up, you will have the essential component that all successful businesses are erected upon.

Would be entrepreneurs’ with too numerous ideas.

Can you ever have’ too numerous ideas’ I hear you say? Well if your creative process leaves you feeling overwhelmed for choice also it’s surely a possibility! numerous largely creative people witness indolence in business purely because they’ve so numerous ideas. They do not know where to start or which idea to apply first!

Still, just pick one of your ideas( it does not need to be your stylish one!) and begin to mentally develop it further, If you fall into this order. Consider the first crucial way you need to take to push your business idea forward. Flash back that you do not have to have a 100 runner business plan or a completely formed idea before you can start taking action! All you need is a little focus.

Would be entrepreneurs’ staying for the perfect idea.

This is the fellow of awaiting to know how to swim formerly you’ve set up the perfect swimming costume.

Still, indeed if you do manage to find the’ perfect idea’, ask yourself whether or not you’re going to have the right skill base to get it off the ground, If you fall into this order. numerous successful entrepreneurs have failed numerous times before their’ perfect idea’ came on. It’s through being prepared to fall down and stand up again that you develop the tenacity needed to succeed in business.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Whatever your circumstances, whether you’re in business formerly or looking to start a business, creating ideas and being innovative will help keep you on top of your game. The way we’re doing business encyclopedically is changing at such a rapid-fire rate that if you do not constantly introduce, you’ll soon be out of business.

Cultivate your Innovation chops.

All the entrepreneurs that I’ve met have been’ possibility thinkers’. By this I mean they keep their minds open to new openings and new ways of thinking. The stylish way for you to cultivate this capability within yourself is to spend time around other creative thinkers. Challenge each other to introduce.

A Simple Idea Creating Exercise.

Two nights ago I had a brainstorming session with a couple of entrepreneurial musketeers over a mess. We did a little 5 nanosecond exercise where each wrote down as numerous ideas as they could on how to produce a million pounds within a time. The quality of the original ideas was absolutely inapplicable. What was really precious was what came latterly, when each person read out their individual lists and we bandied how these particular ideas could work.

We had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and generated a couple of really great business ideas( as well as plenitude of ordinary bones !), purely by fastening our smarts to answer a simple question.

So how numerous entrepreneurs does it take to change a light bulb?
Well I am not entirely sure on the answer to that bone ! But I do know how numerous ideas it takes to start a business.



Harish R

Techinical Tead by profession and Blogger by vocation — Positive Living, Personal Finance, Money, Entrepreneurship and Life Advice.