Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Industry By Using eBooks

Harish R
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2024

If you are considered an expert in your industry people are more likely to buy your products and services.

Think about it yourself- would you rather purchase a product on caring for your dog from someone who has written several eBooks on the subject matter, or from someone who just decided to put a book together?

Developing eBooks is a great tool to become known as an expert in your industry on a particular subject. Within this article I am going to show you how and why you should be doing this.

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Developing an eBook will give you a status.

Once you become known for something, it attracts people like a magnet. A status is important in business because it does just that, people who need that something you’re known for will begin to be attracted to you.

Here’s a quick example. I’m known as My Idea Guy. I’ve branded myself as this and am known to provide solutions for people. The majority of people that I work with are information marketers, speakers and authors.

As a result of that branding, I’ve become known for generating all kinds of ideas for information marketing, for speakers, for authors, and helping them build their businesses.

Now I am known for that one thing, people are now automatically attracted to my products, services, philosophies and ideas. It’s because I’ve established that branding that I attract people looking for those things.

Creating an eBook on a topic that you are an expert in can help you do just that. You may be thinking, ‘Wait a second, you keep talking about being an expert, but I’m not an expert at anything.’

You don’t have to be an expert! By doing this you will slowly begin to build your expertise. To put together an eBook you have to do all the research and compile all the materials, which in itself will establish yourself. If you have gone through the trouble of putting together an eBook that will solve people’s answers then in my opinion, you are of value. Whatever topic you are writing on, you are an expert.

Doing this will quickly enable you to become known for that particular topic. It will increase your expertise status and you can begin to use that to leverage your business.

The more you give your costumers high quality content by having more eBooks and services available, the more people will want to purchase from you because you will become more recognized.

eBooks are a great stepping stone to more business.

eBooks should be incorporated into your marketing funnel, I hope this article has helped you see why this is true.

Ideas will come to you when you explore the possibilities of creativity!



Harish R

Techinical Tead by profession and Blogger by vocation — Positive Living, Personal Finance, Money, Entrepreneurship and Life Advice.