Holistic Content Marketing Workshop — Launching Soon

Chris Lysy
Small but Growing
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2017

For most businesses, social media is a time suck. The most oft used social strategies produce very little value for the time spent. And this is especially true for small businesses and indie entrepreneurs, who have very little time and resources to give.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

I designed a different strategy. One that reduces the time suck and increases the value. It works by making the creation process just as valuable (if not more so) than the social media end-product.

I’ll be teaching this workshop in a hybrid way. In the next few weeks I’ll be release a series of short, to-the-point, lessons and modules that will help you develop your own holistic marketing strategy. This will give you the process and straightforward instruction on all the digital tools you need to make it work.

These lessons be paired with a series of live coaching workshops and webinars hosted out of the Frontier in NC’s Research Triangle Park. During these sessions we will work through the individual unique challenges faced by workshop participants and answer any technical questions that arise.

Sign up for the waitlist right now and you’ll get free access to one the modules. The module will show you how to create a mini-course you can use as a lead generation tool, allowing you to turn casual contacts into email followers.

Get on the Holistic Content Marketing Waitlist.

Live in the Triangle Area (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel, etc)? Interested in learning directly from your fellow entrepreneurs? Visit our workshop community.



Chris Lysy
Small but Growing

One of the world’s foremost data design cartoonists. “Real job” mixes data science & user experience/user interface design. I cartoon what I know.