Why Small?

Sometimes, all you need is just a few words to get your point across.

Patrick Loftus
1 min readApr 22, 2019


Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

There are times in life when we search for short reads over long reads and vice versa. Perhaps, you’re partial to short stories or novellas these days. Maybe you bring all 700 pages of Ulysses with you on the train to make the most of your commute (and to let fellow passengers know you like to be seen reading Ulysses). To each their own.

Sometimes, less is more. Great things can come in small packages.

Small is a platform for really short reads. When you want to stay on top of the latest in shortwinded prose, or post a little piece of genius, think Small.



Patrick Loftus

I write about climate solutions that address the interrelatedness of all our world’s crises. In grad school studying degrowth and MMT.