Are your Instagram stories *really* converting? 🤔

Aisha Owolabi
Smarketers Hub
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020

When last did you post on your Instagram story? Let me guess, a few hours ago? đź‘€

Instagram Stories — arguably Instagram’s most popular feature, became a thing in 2016 and shows no signs of slowing down till date.

This feature is a fav as it lets brands and individuals share quick updates about their products and engage their audience without creating an entire Instagram post.

As of July 2018, the feature recorded over 400 million users. This means that it’s very important to share your content on Instagram Stories if you want to live rent-free in your audience’s minds especially with all the interactive features like gifs, quizzes, polls, etc


There are a few popular ways to get more eyes on your instastories like using hashtags and location tags, but today, we thought to share with you some of the not so popular things we’ve been exploring to skyrocket our instastory views.

Let’s get right into it.

As much as instastory is the more laid back place on Instagram, it’s still very important to share useful, relevant content always. This way, once you share a story, your followers will definitely click to watch because they know they’d gain one or two things amidst the other random bits of content you’d share.

If you’ve not connected a Facebook page to your Instagram account, now is the time to do so. Once you’ve done this, you get the option to share your stories to your Facebook page which in turn makes people who already follow you on Facebook to view your instastories without necessarily being on the Instagram app. It’s a win-win situation because now you have both your Instagram and Facebook followers combined viewing your stories.

It’s important to monitor your story mentions and re-share the best content with your audience. This encourages your audience to make stories about your products or your audience sharing your posts/profile + it’s useful free content too!

Don’t let your Instagram stories waste away. Share relevant content & explore new ways to engage with your audience every day. 💪🏾

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