Flapjack Fairies to fight away your hunger pangs!

Vishnu Priya
Smart and healthy living
2 min readJul 20, 2016

Foods were primarily recognized for their essential nutrients, normal body activity and function. During the past two decades, however as consumers now , we have switched from an emphasis on satisfying hunger to an emphasis on the promising use of foods to promote well-being and to help reduce the risk of disease (Niva, 2007, Bogue & Sorenson, 2001). Today, there is a consensus that eating the right foods, extends life expectancy and improves the quality of life.

The nutrient pyramid now has oats at a prime position and health conscious people stock up their larders with this healthy food. There is a huge awareness and people want to incorporate Oats into their regular diet.Oats is generally eaten as porridge,but to make it more delicious, tasty and full of flavor Snackexperts has introduced ‘ Flapjack Fairies’ in its Snackopedia.

What’s special about our Flapjack Fairies?

Our flapjacks are a quick fix for hunger pangs, a light and hearty evening snack and provides you with the much needed energy to carry you through your hectic mornings at work!

They are protein-packed, full of fiber, low on fat and help boost your energy levels.They help you lead a healthy lifestyle. They are not only good for the stomach but are interestingly super filling, satisfying and versatile.

We have three categories of Flapjacks namely,

Almond & Cinnamon flapjack

Made of : Oats (major ingredient), almond flakes rich in vitamin B3 essential for the glowing skin combined with the delightful flavor of cinnamon.

Benefits : This helps you stay alert and decrease your frustration when you are behind the wheel! The almond and cinnamon combo keeps a check on your cholesterol levels and the immune system.

Energy provided : 465 kcal

This is the Star-Snack of Snackexperts, Don’t forget to add it to your snackbox!

Chocolate flapjack ( Orange Flavored )

Made of : Oats, Butter, Palm Sugar, Honey, Whole Orange, Chocolate Chips

Benefits : High-fiber diet, reduces risk of cancer, blood pressure and has low glycemic index.

Energy provided : 462 kcal

Every bite and those melting moments will have a special place in your heart.

Original seed flapjack

Made of : Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds and Sesame seeds.

Benefits : Our trio seed mix flapjack helps to begin your day bright and energetic with Vitamin E from the rich sunflower seeds; excellent source of iron from pumpkin seeds and with delicate nutty flavor of sesame seeds.

Energy provided : 465 kcal

These fairies are crunchy yet buttery, wonderfully delicious.

Munch from our variety of healthy snacks www.snackexperts.com like one Flapjack a day and you will be doing more than good to keep yourself healthy and fit ? You can also call or whatsapp us 8056189737




Vishnu Priya
Smart and healthy living

Is always uncomfortable to define myself in a few words because :-)