Work-Life Integration: 3 easy ways to make the most of everyday

Lakshmi Venkataraman
Smart and healthy living
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Have you been working on that project, putting in extra hours over the weeks and then you worry more because of one table in the annexure is not perfect to the T. Has this project been keeping you from making dinners so you have been ordering in food for your family for the last couple of days while you constantly feel bad about it. You feel a wave of panic if someone helps with the garden since you are not the person doing it. You are guilty of perfectionism, and you need to stop striving to be perfect all the time to have that sense of satisfaction.

In a world where 50% of the workforce are unsatisfied because of poor work-life balance based on the TimesJobSurvey, a term that is gaining popularity is work-life integration. With the advent of technology, we are in a world that is constantly buzzing integrating work and life to have the wholesome experience is essential. Let us all face it, we can no longer distinguish between work and personal lives. We can try to differentiate with the proportion of focus given to it in any particular hour. A common scenario is when you get an office e-mail notification on your phone when you are away from work. Your hands itch to see what it is, but your family/friends give you the ‘dare not open it’ glare. Your mind keeps buzzing till you open. Studies show that even during vacation, a mere 3% keep away from checking e-mail. The millennial workforce is now adapting to a blended lifestyle to get the most of time spent.

Exercise: Think about one workday, that you felt satisfied. Recollect what happened on that day, that it makes it so memorable.

Behind every satisfied day, there is always a sense of achievement and enjoyment. It is as simple as it can get. To make every day a fulfilled life, you need to have the right ingredients to spruce it. The time that you spend is divided into four very broad categories — Self, Family, Friends, and Work. Each of these is very crucial. The trick is in knowing how to mix these in a day. You do not have to spend time with all four categories every day.

3 way to adapt to Work-life Integration

Tip 1: Learn to switch consciously
Tip 2: The key is knowing how to prioritize
Tip 3: Look for things of Joy every day

To know how to adapt these into your everyday life, visit our blog for a detailed implementable insight

As the world moves towards work-life integration, adapting to changing lifestyles and making the most out of it, you can also start making smart eating choices.

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