Young girls in STEM challenges

Bidhan Acharya
Smart Cheli
Published in
4 min readApr 9, 2021

An opportunity for a young girl’s to buildup their self-steam.


STEM education challenge is a field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We are living in a world where there are extremely talented people who are involved in science and technology. Most of the people believe that it is the key to success of innovative and creative programs. STEM challenge is not only an education but also platform to learn from experiences. It helps to extend the ability of problem-solving, fearlessness and critical thinking and also helps our nation to develop rapidly. Nowadays, people seems to be more active in innovative program especially for the boys because they have always been prioritized and they are doing amazing in it no doubt to that but more engagement of girls is needed too, as it is human essential. In the past, young girls are lacking behind because of existing stereotype that science and math is not good for them. They are kept in low profile. So, this era of education and technology is very important for both the gender and helps them to change their future.

We believe all young girls have the power to develop their own STEM identity. Young girls are more concentrated. So, if we give them challenge then they can learn so much knowledge that even the world can see in a different perspective about their encouragement and dedication towards science and technology. Due to this they can increase their skills and make them as resourceful and can stand as independent women.

Let’s Find Out

1)Why it is important for young girls?

Ans. It is important for young girls because it pervades every part of our lives. STEM activities provide hands-on and minds-on lesson for the student specially for the young girls. If we can make both science and math fun and interesting rather than believing it is hard then it helps young girls to do much more than just learn.

2) What are the advantages of STEM challenge and it’s education?

Ans. STEM challenge and its education helps young girls to buildup their confidence and helps them to be more comfortable working with computers and technology and also helps them to develop better problem solving skills.

3) What will they gain if they are involved in STEM challenges?

Ans. Most of the girls have better carrier options. From the available resources and tools they can build self-confidence and lives as an independent.

4) When will young girls join the STEM challenge and it’s education?

Ans. Girls from 10 years and above can join the program and can explore their innovative ideas through different recourses.

5) Why they need STEM education?

Ans. For young girls, it is not just only education. It is the root of a strong seeds which sometimes gives you food when it grow, gives sometimes meanings for our life when it spread all over. Likewise, STEM education is the root of strong and independent women which helps them to buildup their future, sometimes it’s teaches about the easy lifestyle when we flow over the educations.


Mostly in the past, STEM education participations are rarely visible and most of the involvement are boys because at that time due to existing stereotype young girls are lacking behind. This believes still present and due to this only about 35% of the female students represent globally to enrolled in STEM related fields.

According to a Recent Microsoft study, girls cited a lack of female role models in STEM as a key reason. so, they did not follow a career in this sector.

As we have heard most of the young girls have no role model who can inspire them. This happens due to lack of family support. As we seen a boy is getting more priority then a girl whether if it is for education or sports, whether it is about equal income. History always repeat about the so-called equality in gender but in reality everything seems to be useless.


Mostly, it is important to start STEM education from school level. There should be proper way to improve knowledge. Proper education should be given to the young girls and involve them and give them opportunities equal as boys. They should know why they are important and they should learn about the huge prophecy about the future science and technology.

There are some STEM teaching methods that helps young girls to get interested in the practical field:-

a) Project-Based learning

b) Problem-Based learning

c) Inquiry-Based learning

Not only method but it is also important to use the entire process like research, imagine, plan, create, and test to improve the required tools and knowledge for STEM. Create an environment to welcome the young talented for both gender and connect with them with STEM mentors. This will helps most of young girls for their future benefit. Thus, it will helps them to achieve success in science and technology and also helps them to become an idle person as a result of an inspirations for other young once.

Final thoughts

As a writer and a male perspective, I feel that education has no boundaries and education doesn't judge on the basis of gender. With this enough tips and technique to start with a new inspiration and a hope that one day both the gender shall sing a song together and understand the importance of human beings and together they can create a countless opportunities in the science and technological field and may be both the gender will end up having a successful career in STEM.

