Barcelona SmartCity Congress 2018

Andrey Belozerov
Smart City Moscow
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2018

There are so many Chinese participants here. I think in three years it will be the Chinese Smart City Congress in Barcelona.
Everyone is new and all cities have their own stand — Selangor, Goyang, and others (Moscow stand is the coolest, as always).

From interesting:
1. Taipei cretaed a residenship on the blockchain, this allowed to make smart contracts tax-free in one click

2. Goyang created smart shoes :) These boots have a built-in Bluetooth sensor which connects to the phone and transmits the data. It was designed for older people with dementia so that they never get lost. The sensor is charged by the energy of motion.

3. Safety-keeper service is a cool project: when a woman or a child walks through a sketchy area in the evening, they can press a button and their cell phone is put on duty at the police station, which guides it through geo-location and cameras. If something happens, then the emergency signal is transmitted to the console by the vibration of the phone and the whole team of support heads out to the scene.

Well, and of course there was some fun stuff as well — Belgian BeeoDiversity project: sensors are installed on the bees, the bees are flying, performing the functions of drones, and all environmental parameters are being measured and taken during that time

Representatives of Athens, Helsinki, New York, Montreal, Barcelona, and other cities exchanged current projects and trends during the annual CIO breakfast at the Congress in Barcelona.

What was interesting:

New York:
1. Co lab program — co-creation solutions with communities in the center. They launched a new program — local communities describe issues and solution providers offer problem solving ideas for specific areas and local communities.
2. Zero-waste — an initiative to make a residential quarter with maximum recycling within the quarter itself.
3. Cybersecurity challenge for small businesses — an initiative to develop cybersecurity systems for IPpros and small businesses that cannot afford consulting and Infobase systems.
4. Net neutrality — the federal initiative continues to grow and it is actively implemented by cities.

1. Data-driven challenge — Dataton will be held annually. It’s when a portion of the anonymized data is unloaded and different startups are called in to see what can be done with this data.
2. Works on legislation of digital taxation — how to make data trade properly taxable across the entire data transformation chain
3. Declares that Data protection is a constitutional right, and Barcelona is going to step forward with the initiative to change the constitution on this topic.

1. They are thinking about creating a mechanism for sharing control over the use of data (Shared data control) — a set of standards and policies for operating data.
2. Data trust/data commons — a separate project to build a system of trust with data.

And the next announcement — New York, Barcelona, and Amsterdam together launch a coalition for digital rights.
The idea is that digital human rights are no different from rights in the real world. Since cities protect the rights of the real world, this should be projected to the digital world as well.
The official presentation of the project will be today at 2:00 pm (Central European Standard Time) but for now — here’s a link to the website and the project declaration itself.



Andrey Belozerov
Smart City Moscow

Digital transformation | Venture investments | Smart City