Smart Containers Company Update Week 43

Adding tokens to wallets and listing update

Smart Containers
Smart Containers
3 min readOct 25, 2018


Dear Smart Containers investors and followers,

In the following newsletter, we are going to inform you about the adjusting of our communications at Smart Containers, the upcoming token listings and show you how to add your tokens to your wallet. Thank you for being part of our company!

How we will keep you updated from now onwards

We aim to keep all our investors and community members up to date and well informed about the development of our businesses.

To do this in the most effective way, we are adjusting our communication channels and make sure they fit our post-ICO needs. The changes include:

  • Website update
  • Creation of a new website for the LOGI CHAIN Foundation
  • Regular email updates as the primary communication tool
  • Switching from an interactive to an informative Telegram group

The most effective way to get in touch with us is to contact us anytime directly on any of the social media profiles or via the contact form on our website.

Token Listings

We get multiple questions from our community about our plans to list the SMARC and LOGI tokens on exchanges. There are many things we have to consider to ensure that the best possible solution for everyone involved is found.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • we only want to list on exchanges that hold up to our high demands for quality
  • some exchanges can’t list our tokens due to regulatory implications
  • the exchanges get flooded with requests to list tokens, so the procedure takes time

The current market environment and sentiment are unfavorable to a fast listing. We want to ensure our investors and our project do not receive backlashes from this situation. Our goal is to ramp up everything for the listing and catch momentum when the market turns. This is both in the interest of our token holders and us.

How to add SMARC and LOGI to our Wallet

If you are using a wallet, like MyEtherWallet, you can add the SMARC and LOGI to your wallet manually. When viewing your wallet in MEW, click on “Add Custom Token.” To add it, you need the following information:

Enter the following information if you are looking to add SMARC
Token Contract Address: 0x5Ae655088e79fa0ced7b472d3baCd215eF796cCC
Token Symbol: SMARC
Decimals: 18

Enter the following information if you are looking to add LOGI
Token Contract Address: 0xe293E3de207CE9db9729CC0856A1A1b8f916e376
Token Symbol: LOGI
Decimals: 18

For a more detailed explanation, please read the blog post, “How to add the SMARC and LOGI token to your wallet.” You can verify the token contract addresses on the home page of

Social media

We are available on the following social media channels. Follow us and feel free to get in touch!







Thank you for your trust and your support on our way to disrupt the logistics industry with the use of blockchain. This is an exciting journey and we’re happy to have you on board.

Your Smart Containers Team



Smart Containers
Smart Containers

We are a Swiss based high tech company that provides the safest temperature controlled containers to transport sensitive pharma goods and food around the world.