How To Resolve The Alexa Not Responding Issue

Henrik Jadeja
Smart Devices Tech
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021
Alexa not Responding

Alexa is a virtual assistant that is going to listen to each and every command of yours and will respond to you fulfilling that command. The Alexa has made the life of the users so easy as well as entertaining with hundreds of features.

There are times when you will see Alexa not responding out of nowhere. At one minute it is working so well and the other minute you are going to see that it is not working. Well, there are many reasons why that must have been happening.

Today the user is using Alexa all the time and it has dwelled into our routines. It is used for reminders, news, jokes, and whatnot. Alexa is going to do it all. There are at other times when you might encounter some issues such as the Alexa not connected to Wi-Fi.

Today, in this guide we are going to discuss all the possible ways to troubleshoot the issue. This guide is enough in order to resolve the issue of Alexa not responding.

Let us now see whether you are going to resolve the issue.

Here are some of the tips that are going to do the trick:

Check the Microphone Button:

There have been many cases where we have found out that the reason why Alexa is not responding is because of the microphone button. This may be the case where your microphone button might have been damaged or might not have turned them on.

So, the first thing that you need to do is to check the microphone button and if you see that you have found everything right, then you need to move toward the next step.

Restart the Device:

When you see that Alexa not responding, then there could be a case where it is just a glitch. Therefore you can try and restart the device as it might help you resolve the issue. This is one of the easiest and the effective steps that will help you troubleshoot the device.

Just restart the device in some steps and you will be able to resolve the issue.

  • The forest thing that you need to notice is the light on the device. When it is showing you the blue light, then it means that the device is hearing from you but is not responding to you back.
  • Then disconnect the device from the power source and then for at least 30 seconds.
  • After that you need to wait for a while, then you need to reconnect the device with the power outlet.
  • When you see that the device is completely ready, then try to give the command again.
  • If you see that the issue of Alexa not responding is still there, then you need to move to the next step. Alexa not connected to Wi-Fi.

Hard Reset the Alexa Device:

Well, you can hard reset the Echo device if you see that the above-mentioned steps are not generating the solution for you. At the bottom of the device, you are going to find the reset button. With the help of the pin, press that button.

When you press that button, you will witness a blue light that is going to turn orange. Soon, you will see that the device will be turned off. Wait for some time till you see that the device is turned on.

All the settings are going to turn to the original ones which were there at the time of the purchase.

If you are still not able to resolve the Alexa not responding issue, then you can get in touch with our experts at Alexa customer service.

Get in touch with us today!



Henrik Jadeja
Smart Devices Tech
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