Submission for Smart Investor

Looking forward for a Great 2021

Smart Investor is a new Publication created to help new writers to share their investment stories and experiences. Understand that there are many restrictions or requirements to join the BIG Publications out there, hence we started this PUBLICATION to help the beginners like myself to reach out to more readers. We accept submission any requests to publish your interesting stories in Smart Investor”.

If you are interested to submit a story to Smart Investor, don’t be shy and join us!

  1. Follow us: Smart Investor.
  2. Drop a comment below, introduce yourself and share your reason to write in this publication in just a few words. We will add you as a writer shortly within a week.
  3. Once you are added as out writer, you may go to “Edit” on any published or unpublished story that you wish to submit, click “Add to Publication,” and select “Smart Investor
  4. We will accept the story or let you know if the story does not fit with the direction of the publication.

Last Note: We will publish maximum 3 stories per day, hoping to hit 1,000 stories in 2021. We look forward to you joining our BIG Family!

