Why I Started My Own Publication?

According to popular estimates, most of the people or 90% of the new investors lose their money in their initial investments, including myself. One important factor of the many reasons is that most of us do not have a proper access to financial education when we grew up through the traditional education system; hence most of us, if not all, are completely new to the term “Investing” or some don’t even know the importance of Investing.

Many people has invested in different kind of instruments on the basis of rumours and stock tips. Many investors, especially new ones, fall for the trap of investing based on stock tips from friends/relatives/colleagues in this digital world which there is abundance of different information which includes stock tips on social media, WhatsApp groups and business news channels.

For example, receiving SMS or telegram message: “Buy Stock A now for $1.00 price now. Huge upside expected in one week as it is venturing into XXX industry"

And most importantly, 99% of us are controlled by our own emotion when it comes to Investing.

Riding on the World’s Top Investment Guru - Warren Buffett top quotes, I created this platform to gather writers who are interested and willing to share on Investment Ideas.

