Shawshank Rows

Itai Bronshtein
Smart Octopus Press
Aug 20, 2024

Sometimes you do what you feel

You have to when you’re mad

Whether that involves gossiping to friends,

Kicking me out of the party,

Or your house,

Having one too many drinks,

Disappearing for a decade,


Thinking of others when we’re together.

I’m not perfect too;

I haven’t been present.

I couldn’t help

When you were begging me to.

I didn’t know how to give space

As I walked all over your boundaries.

Sometimes I don’t listen well,

And I need to clean things up.

But loving you is the best decision

I will ever make



Itai Bronshtein
Smart Octopus Press

Poetry — Torah — Short Stories — Random Articles Sometimes I pretend to drink just to project that Hemingway vibe. It hasn’t quite worked yet.