The Runner’s Trail

a short poem

Itai Bronshtein
Smart Octopus Press
Aug 4, 2024


I went for a jog on my favorite trail

And I hopped –

Over the multitude of jagged stones,

Over the broken twigs left behind by dogs,

Over the stream to keep my feet dry,

Over the mud to keep my shoes clean,

Over the dog poop the tourists didn’t clean,

Over the dead squirrel that the flies were eating,

Over the pile of red ants to keep the peace,

Over the hurdles that the athletes setup,

Over the tent that the campers abandoned.

I would have made it through without qualms,

But I tripped on a tiny mushroom and fell

Over my face.



Itai Bronshtein
Smart Octopus Press

Poetry — Torah — Short Stories — Random Articles Sometimes I pretend to drink just to project that Hemingway vibe. It hasn’t quite worked yet.