A Journey Through Post-Concussion Syndrome - The Inspiring Life Story of a Determined Young Woman

Chouse Molla-Storm
Smart Owl
Published in
7 min readMar 18, 2023

Sarah was a fun-loving girl who enjoyed going out with her friends from school on the weekends. One night, they went out to a club and had a few too many drinks. On her way home, Sarah tripped and fell, hitting her head hard on the pavement.

The next day, Sarah woke up with a splitting headache and felt dizzy and disoriented. She went to the doctor, who diagnosed her with post-concussion syndrome. Sarah was devastated. She had always been an active person who enjoyed sports and exercise, but now she was unable to do any of those things.

For weeks, Sarah struggled to cope with the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. She had trouble concentrating and had to take time off work to rest and recover. She felt like her life had been put on hold.

As time went on, Sarah started to feel better. Her symptoms improved, and she was able to return to work. But things weren’t the same as they had been before her accident. Sarah felt like she had lost a part of herself and struggled to find joy in the things she used to enjoy.

One day, Sarah decided to try something new. She signed up for an art class and discovered that she had a talent for painting. She enjoyed the creative process and found that it helped her to relax and forget about her worries.

As Sarah continued to paint, she met new people who shared her passion for art. She made new friends and started to feel like herself again. Sarah realized that sometimes, life takes unexpected turns, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be beautiful in its own way.

Years passed, and Sarah continued to paint and create beautiful works of art. She even started selling her pieces in local galleries. Sarah knew that her post-concussion syndrome had changed her life, but she was grateful for the new path that it had led her down. She knew that she had grown and changed in ways she never would have imagined before her accident.

Despite finding a new passion in art, Sarah still struggled with occasional bouts of pain and discomfort related to her post-concussion syndrome. One area that particularly bothered her was her neck. She frequently experienced stiffness and pain in that area, making it difficult to do many physical activities that she enjoyed. Because of the continues neck pain, she decided to take a break from her passion.

Determined to find a way to relieve the pain, Sarah decided to go to the gym to exercise her neck muscles. She spoke to a personal trainer at the gym who specialized in rehabilitation exercises and asked for advice.

The trainer suggested a series of neck stretches and exercises that would help to strengthen the muscles in that area and relieve the tension. Sarah started incorporating these exercises into her gym routine and noticed a significant improvement in her neck pain.

Encouraged by her progress, Sarah began to experiment with other exercises that she could do to improve her overall physical condition. She found that yoga was particularly helpful in reducing her stress levels and improving her flexibility. Over time, she started to feel more like herself again and was able to participate in physical activities that she had previously thought were impossible.

Through her journey, Sarah realized that post-concussion syndrome had changed her life in many ways. But she also learned that with determination and effort, she could overcome the challenges that it presented. Sarah felt grateful for her newfound appreciation for her body and for all of the small things that she had taken for granted before her accident.

In time, Sarah’s neck pain dissipated, and she was able to return to her regular routine. However, she continued to make exercise and self-care a priority in her life. She knew that taking care of herself was the best way to ensure that she could continue to pursue her passions and live the life she had always dreamed of.

As Sarah continued to exercise and work on her physical recovery, she found herself frequently running into a man named Jack at the gym. Jack was a regular at the gym and was always friendly and encouraging towards Sarah.

At first, Sarah was hesitant to strike up a conversation with Jack. She was still struggling with some lingering effects of her post-concussion syndrome and didn’t feel like herself. However, Jack’s warm smile and positive attitude gradually won her over.

Over time, Sarah and Jack began chatting more frequently at the gym. They discovered that they had a lot in common, including a love of hiking and exploring the outdoors. Jack was also an engineer and loved to tinker with machines and gadgets, which Sarah found fascinating.

As Sarah and Jack spent more time together, they began to develop feelings for each other. Sarah was hesitant to pursue a relationship, worried that her post-concussion syndrome might make her difficult to be around. However, Jack was patient and understanding, and he encouraged Sarah to open up to him about her struggles.

To Sarah’s surprise, Jack didn’t shy away from her post-concussion syndrome. Instead, he was supportive and encouraging, always willing to lend an ear when Sarah needed to talk. With Jack’s help, Sarah began to feel more comfortable with herself and her condition.

As their relationship blossomed, Sarah felt like her life was finally coming together. She had found someone who loved and accepted her for who she was, and who supported her in her journey towards healing and recovery. In time, Jack proposed, and the two of them got married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by their loved ones.

Years passed, and Sarah and Jack continued to hike and explore the great outdoors together. They had two beautiful daughters, whom they raised with love and care. Through all of the ups and downs of life, Sarah knew that she had found her soulmate at the gym, and that her post-concussion syndrome had led her down a path that had ultimately brought her to a place of happiness and fulfillment.

With Jack’s support, Sarah was finally able to feel like herself again. She continued to work on her physical recovery, but she also started to explore new career opportunities.

For a long time after her accident, Sarah had been unable to work due to her post-concussion syndrome. But as she continued to heal, she started to feel like she was ready to take on some work again.

With Jack’s encouragement, Sarah started looking for part-time job opportunities that would allow her to work a few hours a week. She eventually landed a job as a freelance artist, creating beautiful pieces for clients who appreciated her unique style.

At first, Sarah was hesitant to take on too much work, worried that it would exacerbate her symptoms. But she found that working a few hours a week actually helped her to feel more focused and centered. The act of creating art was therapeutic for her, and it allowed her to feel like she was contributing something valuable to the world.

Over time, Sarah’s freelance business began to grow, and she started to take on more clients. With Jack’s help, she was able to manage her workload and balance her work with her other responsibilities.

As she continued to work and create, Sarah felt like she was finally living the life she had always wanted. She had a loving husband, two beautiful daughters, and a career that she was passionate about. She knew that her post-concussion syndrome had changed her life in many ways, but she was grateful for the journey that it had taken her on. Without it, she might never have met Jack, discovered her love of art, or found the courage to pursue her dreams.

As Sarah continued to recover from her post-concussion syndrome and build her career, she felt like her life was finally becoming the interesting and fulfilling journey she had always hoped for.

She and Jack continued to explore the great outdoors, taking their daughters on hikes and camping trips. They also traveled to new places together, experiencing new cultures and cuisines. Sarah found that the more she opened herself up to new experiences, the more vibrant and exciting her life became.

Through her art, Sarah also found a way to connect with people in a deep and meaningful way. Her clients loved her unique style, and many of them became friends and supporters of her work.

Over time, Sarah’s reputation as an artist grew, and she began to receive invitations to participate in shows and events all over the world. She and Jack traveled to Paris, New York, and Tokyo, showcasing her work and meeting other artists and creatives.

Through it all, Sarah felt like she was living a life that was true to herself. She knew that her post-concussion syndrome had been a challenging obstacle to overcome, but it had also led her down a path of self-discovery and growth.

Looking back on her journey, Sarah was grateful for the people who had supported her along the way. Without Jack’s encouragement, she might never have pursued her art career. Without her clients’ support, she might never have found her place in the world as an artist.

Through all of the challenges and triumphs, Sarah knew that she had found a life that was both interesting and meaningful, and she was excited to see where her journey would take her next.



Chouse Molla-Storm
Smart Owl
Editor for

I love to write personal stories from a daily life, as well as essays from my research.