Why I am a blood donor

Chouse Molla-Storm
Smart Owl
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2023

Have you ever seen someone having a hard time crossing the road, and you stopped and helped dem? Have you ever met someone at the supermarket in a wheelchair, having difficulty to put his groceries in the basket? Have you ever been in the bus and given your seat to an old women or man? Have you ever given blood and felt so happy, that what you did, is going to save somebody’s life?

I have imagined all of it and did most of it. Especially stopping in the middle of the street and help someone to cross the road. This is something that is stuck in my mind. There is a special road which I drive through when I go to the town. Every time, on this specific spot I always wish to myself, that I want this to happen to me; I want to see someone having hard time crossing the road and I want to stop the car, block the whole traffic and help this person to cross the road. I am feeling it, this will happen one day.

When I started a new job, my manager told me that I have to say always “yes”, at least the first six months. Now I am working almost there three years and I still can not say “no”. Its just because I love the feeling that somebody come and ask for help. I would say that this is the happiest moment of my life, when somebody coming and asking my help.

But now it’s getting too personal and at the same time too emotional…

Sometimes my wife tells me that instead of me being an engineer, I should be a doctor instead, because I love helping people and saving lives. Maybe I should re-consider my carrier.

I can tell you that the most happiest person I felt, was the day I received a message from the hospital saying that my blood was used for someone to save his life. When I first saw this message, something amazing woke up from inside me, I got so emotional and started shaking from happiness. I could not even call my wife to tell her what just happened. I felt like I could run a marathon that day from happiness.

I am not telling you all this just to look cool, but I want to share my feelings, emotions and happiness with you. Sometimes even small things or a little help can make you or somebody else happy. Its not always about you but sometimes it’s about the person you are talking to or helping. If you make this person happy, you will also be happy. All these things doesn’t cost anything, it’s free. And what you get in return? Happiness!!! this is the only thing in the world you can not buy, and once you have it, you will discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

Now you know why I am a blood donor, because every time I give blood knowing, that I will maybe save somebody’s life, this makes me the happiest person in the world.

Become a blood donor and save lives.

Always remember to smile and be happy on what you have and not what you get!



Chouse Molla-Storm
Smart Owl
Editor for

I love to write personal stories from a daily life, as well as essays from my research.