Articulate 0.25 Release

Caleb Keller
Smart Platform Group
2 min readJun 24, 2019

When last we spoke we promised we weren’t going to slow down and we haven’t yet! Articulate 0.25 was just released with several requested and essential features for helping you build great agents.

Channels and Connections (Ubiquity)

We’ve added in the plumbing to Articulate to allow fast and extensible integration with almost any messaging platform. We have pre-built connections available today for Facebook Messenger, Google Home, Rocket.Chat, Slack, and Twilio. Most of the connections require some setup in the respective platform but then are just a few fields to fill out on the Articulate side.

Shared Chat Panel

The shared chat panel takes advantage of the connections above to expose a chat panel outside of the main Articulate UI. You can share this interface with users to test your agent. Their conversations will show up real-time in the review page, and you can leverage the features there to make your agent even better.

Pre-Built Categories

There are some standard categories almost every agent should have, like one for Small Talk. Then there are also ones that you may wish to include to make your agent more useful like asking for the weather. These common and shareable uses are what we are hoping to build with pre-built categories.

Thanks for reading this quick update, hopefully, we will be back soon with more updates. Coming up next are some authentication options, analytics, and better message handling. Sign-up below or follow us on medium if you want to keep up with the latest. And be sure to contact us on Discord, create an issue on Github, or send us an e-mail with any trouble you are having.



Caleb Keller
Smart Platform Group

Mechanical Engineer turned Data Scientist turned Machine Learning practitioner. Focused on solving the problems of enterprise data, starting with how we can Do