Articulate 1.0 Release

Great new features and a stable API!

Caleb Keller
Smart Platform Group
3 min readJun 9, 2020


Articulate has reached it’s 1.0 release! With this release, we are committing to stable APIs within major versions and some support for older versions >1.0 with continued patches. We’ve also introduced a host of new features. Let’s review a few of the biggest:


Articulate 1.0 supports user and group level permissions as well as several new login providers: AzureAd, Github, and Twitter. Each group can be customized to have specific global permissions as well as per agent permissions.

Discovery Sheet

Depending on the type of agent you build, your users may find it challenging to discover what all your agent can do. For example, our Business Intelligence agent can answer many data-related questions, but users couldn’t see the full breadth of its coverage. We added the discovery sheet to highlight specific utterances that may interest the users.

Multiple Rasa Instances

This feature deserves a full write up, but until then, we’ve added the ability to use multiple Rasa NLU instances with a single Articulate instance. Rasa has always been Articulate’s bottleneck. With this feature, Articulate can quickly scale to handling 100’s of simultaneous users.

Automatic Quick Replies

Articulate can now suggest quick replies for both slot filling and follow on actions. For slot filling, we select a certain number of known keyword values to present to the user. For actions, we identify utterances that can take advantage of the current context. For certain types of agents, this allows for a high level of discoverability.

Agent Versions

Turn this feature on to save a copy of the agent every time you train your agent. Then roll-back to previous versions when needed.

Automated Testing

Test the agent against all of its training data to identify weak spots in your training data or conflicting utterances.

A few others:

  • Slack Logging — log incoming requests to Slack.
  • Pre-Scripts — execute a simple script before calling a webhook.
  • Update an agent via an import — Useful for scripting more extensive changes.

To get started with Articulate download the latest release. As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns you can reach out to us on Discord or create an issue. We’re always happy to help.



Caleb Keller
Smart Platform Group

Mechanical Engineer turned Data Scientist turned Machine Learning practitioner. Focused on solving the problems of enterprise data, starting with how we can Do