Gather clear, detailed requirements to ensure successful Waterfall project delivery.

Requirements Gathering

Dale Clifford
Smart Project Kit
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Requirements Gathering (Waterfall Methodology)

Getting Started

Requirements gathering is an important part of the Waterfall Methodology.

It is the process of understanding the needs of the customer and gathering the information needed to create a product that meets those needs.

This guide is for anyone who wants to learn more about requirements gathering and how to do it effectively.

How To

Requirements gathering is a process that involves several steps.

Here is a detailed list of how to do it:

  1. Understand the customer’s needs. Talk to the customer and ask questions to get a better understanding of what they need.
  2. Gather information. Collect data from the customer and other sources to get a better understanding of the customer’s needs.
  3. Analyze the data. Analyze the data to identify patterns and trends that will help you create a product that meets the customer’s needs.
  4. Create a plan. Create a plan for how you will create the product that meets the customer’s needs.
  5. Implement the plan. Implement the plan and create the product.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for requirements gathering:

  • Be clear and concise when communicating with the customer.
  • Listen carefully to the customer’s needs.
  • Gather as much information as possible.
  • Analyze the data to identify patterns and trends.


Here is an example of a role-play conversation that demonstrates requirements gathering:

Customer: I need a website that will allow customers to purchase products online.

Requirements Gather: Okay, so you need a website that will allow customers to purchase products online.

Can you tell me more about what you need? What kind of products do you want to sell?

Customer: I want to sell clothing and accessories.

Requirements Gather: Okay, so you need a website that will allow customers to purchase clothing and accessories.

Do you have any other requirements?

Customer: Yes, I need the website to be secure and easy to use.

Requirements Gather: Okay, so you need a website that will allow customers to purchase clothing and accessories, and it needs to be secure and easy to use.

Is there anything else you need?

Customer: No, that’s it.

Requirements Gather: Okay, so I understand that you need a website that will allow customers to purchase clothing and accessories, and it needs to be secure and easy to use.

Is there anything else you need?

Originally published at Smart Project Kit.
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