Value Stream Mapping

Dale Clifford
Smart Project Kit
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2024


Getting Started

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a powerful tool for Lean Manufacturing.

It is used to identify and eliminate waste in a manufacturing process.

It is a great way to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

VSM is a great tool for anyone involved in the manufacturing process, from the shop floor to the executive level.

How To

  1. Identify the current state of the process. This includes the steps, resources, and time required to complete the process.
  2. Identify the desired future state of the process. This includes the steps, resources, and time required to complete the process.
  3. Map out the current state of the process. This includes creating a visual representation of the process, including the steps, resources, and time required to complete the process.
  4. Identify areas of waste in the current process. This includes identifying areas where resources are being wasted, or where steps can be eliminated or streamlined.
  5. Create a plan to eliminate the waste. This includes creating a plan to eliminate the waste, and to streamline the process.
  6. Implement the plan. This includes implementing the plan, and monitoring the process to ensure that the plan is successful.

Best Practices

  • Start with the end in mind. Identify the desired future state of the process before beginning the mapping process.
  • Focus on eliminating waste. Identify areas of waste in the current process, and create a plan to eliminate them.
  • Involve all stakeholders. Make sure that all stakeholders are involved in the mapping process, and that their input is taken into account.
  • Monitor the process. Monitor the process to ensure that the plan is successful.


Let’s look at an example of how Value Stream Mapping can be used in a real-world situation.

Imagine that you are the manager of a manufacturing plant.

You have identified that the process of producing a certain product is taking too long, and that there is a lot of waste in the process.

You decide to use Value Stream Mapping to identify and eliminate the waste.

You start by identifying the current state of the process.

You map out the steps, resources, and time required to complete the process.

You then identify areas of waste in the current process.

You create a plan to eliminate the waste, and to streamline the process.

Finally, you implement the plan, and monitor the process to ensure that the plan is successful.

By using Value Stream Mapping, you are able to identify and eliminate the waste in the process, and improve the efficiency of the process.

This leads to cost savings, and a more efficient manufacturing process.

Originally published at Smart Project Kit.
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