Kamala Harris’s First Tie-Breaking Vote in the Senate

But surely not her last.

Deborah Teramis Christian
Smart Remarks
2 min readFeb 5, 2021


Today Kamala Harris cast her first tie-breaking vote in Senate, enabling President Biden’s Covid-19 relief budget proposal to proceed without Republican support.

I suspect Senate Republicans are going to be really tired of seeing Harris presiding in the chamber before this term is out. She is the fulcrum of power that constitutes the Democratic majority in the Senate — one that wouldn’t need to be called upon, if only the GOP were capable of compromise and actual governance.

Oh, if only they were a party of governance instead of obstruction. If only they had a clear set of policy goals agreed upon by the major forces in the party, and articulated in something like a national party platform —

But that is wishful thinking. In this timeline we’re living, the Republican “platform” set last year was “whatever Donald Trump wants.” Which by any measure decidedly removes the GOP from the category of “having a good vision of where to go with the country.” (ICYMI: For the first time ever the GOP did not articulate a party platform at their national convention in 2020, and instead said, “whatever Dear Leader wants is fine by us.”) Which is thoroughly reflective of their “coherent vision” (*cough, cough*) for the country.

Today’s Trump Party, née GOP, seems incapable of leading, following, or getting out of the way.

Senate, meet Kamala as VP. I bet you’re going to get to know that tie-breaking vote really well.



Deborah Teramis Christian
Smart Remarks

SF/F novelist, political and social commentator, sociologist, Army vet, gay kinky geek girl. Eclectica R Us.