Bethany Bannister
Smart, Sassy, and Liberal
5 min readAug 7, 2020


Either Fight for Blexas or Get Out of the Way

Election Night, November 2014 was one of the darkest days I’ve ever experienced in the world. 10 years prior, I had been in Ohio, working for the Ohio Democratic Party and trying to unseat my former governor in his re-election bid for president. I knew the man who gave the official numbers to the Kerry campaign and told them there was no way he could win with the number of provisional ballots still on the table. So, I know something of dark elections nights.

There’s an inherently personal feeling surrounding that election that devastated many women once it was called for Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick. It was a reality that no matter what the courts might say, our fellow citizens still felt that we were objects, not in control of our bodies.

I took a break from politics because I’d been fighting for over 10 years at that point. I saw the writing on the wall when the GOP officially nominated Trump, after all, he is a natural descendant of the worst of George W. Bush’s policies. I saw the writing again when they refused to call a vote on Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination.

In between there, during each Presidential cycle, Texas becomes a lightning rod of excitement as it inches up the margin of error from a red to a blue state. After the 2012 election, a group of people even formed Battleground Texas to come down and teach Texans how to…



Bethany Bannister
Smart, Sassy, and Liberal

Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) with strong opinions and a kind heart. Poet (not tortured). Problem solver.