Crossrail — How Britain’s largest £18.65bn project is hitting it’s stay at home COVID workforce

Smart stories
Published in
Jan 27, 2021

A manager on the multibillion Crossrail project, today told how the COVID lockdown is affecting its employees working from home.

Tracey Few, who has worked at the project since it started in 2009, explains how her 65-hour working week is gradually taking control of her life.

The Timekeeping manager previously had time to take part in normal day-to-day activities outside of work, but now spends all of her day stressed and cooped up at her desk instead.

With expectations for Crossrail to meet the revised deadline in 2022, requiring an additional £1.1billion to complete — their workforce will continue to be put under strain for the foreseeable future. Tracey explains her thoughts.

