Growing Demand: Waiting lists for Allotments surge amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Smart stories
Published in
Jan 18, 2024

Growing Demand: Waiting lists for allotments surge amidst COVID-19 (

Allotment waiting lists have almost doubled for the first time in 12 years. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Brits have been more encouraged than ever to start growing their own greens and vegetables.

We spoke to Jacqui, a gardener with her own allotment, about how she managed to snag her green space and how this has helped her “enjoy the outdoors again.”

With 3 million more Brits hoping to start living a more sustainable life — the wait for an allotment can be anywhere between 2 months to 15 years.

Many Brits have reported that gardening has improved their mental health, and since the pandemic, gardening was a key hobby that Brits used to fill their time.

