How TikTok encourages fashion overconsumption and micro-trends: Conversations on consumption

Smart stories
Published in
Jan 19, 2024

Every year, 92 million tonnes of garments are discarded, the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes ending up in landfill every second.

But what is contributing to this huge consumption, and disregard, of clothing?

Social media has helped to dictate mainstream fashion trends for many years now.

Influencer marketing has paved the way for a new form of advertising that doesn’t require consumers to pay attention to the recent catwalks to be influenced by current trends.

As fast-fashion companies aim to maintain demand for new clothing year-round, micro-trends, encouraged by the TikTok algorithm and impulse buying online, are increasing at an unprecedented pace.

Channel 4 News talks fashion with student Ella about how you can be fashionably mindful.

How does TikTok impact fashion overconsumption and micro trends? — YouTube

