Sizzling up Solutions to Social Isolation: The Cosham Men’s 50 and Up Community Cooking Club

Smart stories
Published in
Jan 14, 2023

A study by the Independent found 1/4 Brits don’t know how to cook more than three recipes, with the majority of those who don’t being older men.

Portsmouth City councils’ Jayne Gentle was all too familiar with this issue — as a Community Development Officer, Jayne helps fill gaps within the local community.

This is how Chop, Cook, Chat came about. A cookery group based in Cosham for over 50s men run entirely through volunteers, the group has an ethos of affordable ingredients that make simple but delicious meals, with instructions that the novice cookers are able to understand and replicate at home.

Chop, Cook, Chat makes more than just meals — for these men, the group makes important friendships.

