Introducing new fields added to Smart Tags

Create powerful and more complex tag rules to fit your business need

Hafiz Ismail
Smart Tags
1 min readJan 15, 2018


Top on the list of the most requested features for Smart Tags is to have extended fields beyond the ones made available through Shopify API.

Starting from today, we are pleased to introduce new fields for the following Custom Rules

  • Custom Product Rules
  • Custom Order Rules
  • Products fields
  • Variants fields
  • Customer fields
  • Metafields
  • Custom Customer Rules

With these additions, they now open up more options for creating complex and powerful tag rules that were not possible before, such as

  • tagging customers based on their previous orders
  • tagging orders based on current product’s variant inventory quantity
  • tagging products based on its custom metafields added by other 3rd-party Shopify apps
  • and more!

Give it a try today and let us know what you think! If you need help with creating certain rules to fit your business needs, do feel free to get in touch with us; we’d be happy to help :)



Hafiz Ismail
Smart Tags

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