Natalia Müller Peña
Smart Transactions
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2024

If you’ve been to our new landing page, you’ve seen the What, Why, How of Smart Transactions. Conspicuously absent is the Who? — like a team page you might find on a typical startup site. That’s because STXN is not a typical startup. We’re a public protocol.

Yes, we have a Delaware corporation because we need to have a bank account, enter into formal contracts, and so on. Yes, we have a core team which is growing very quickly. But at its heart, STXN is a public community, not just a company. Just like Ethereum is a public protocol and public community. Just like the Ethereum Foundation is a unique type of organization, versus just a ‘nonprofit’ or ‘Swiss Stiftung.’

🔔 Smart Transactions is less startup, more public protocol.

What matters most to us is the realization of our idea — Smart Transactions! Naturally, we’re excited to introduce you to the stellar team behind the idea. That process is well underway (see also here) and we’re continuing our outreach efforts on social media and on the conference circuit. Please follow & tune your notifications for alpha updates.

For now, though, we must pause to acknowledge and thank the amazing people and teams who invested in our big idea:

Beyond rigid cap table boxes, there are crypto angels who’ve been supporting our journey in different ways over the years, long before incorporation and emergence from stealth. We would not be where we are without their support. You know who you are. We are immensely grateful.

Angels and established funds, the common thread in our group of backers is that everyone is crypto native. This was extremely important to us during our seed raise because Smart Transactions is blockchain tooling at the deepest layers of the blockchain stack. At the same time, Smart Transactions transcends the blockchain ecosystem: our stack invites everyone who does transactions & transaction processing to come onchain. Which is to say … everyone.

Our blockchain native investors understand their success and the success of their portcos & portprots hinges on the blockchain ecosystem scaling far beyond the existing blockchain ecosystem. Smart Transactions is a mission-critical component of that broader scaling aim.

With working prototypes ✅, super devs ✅, and growing stream of inbound interest from the world’s top builders and protocol researchers ✅, we are uniquely positioned to scale our vision. As we embark on the next leg of our growth journey, we invite you to get involved. Things are about to move very fast.



Natalia Müller Peña
Smart Transactions

Data and solution architect by training, specialised in AI and algorithmic biases (gender/ race) and solving blockchain immutability issues.