Smart Transactions LIVE on Testnets

Natalia Müller Peña
Smart Transactions
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2024

STXN devs have been very busy.

We’re stoked to share that last week, we launched the first batch of our core SCs on five testnets: Ethereum Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Polygon Amoy, and Arbitrum Sepolia.

Laminator deployed at address: 0x5C1A2c1D138636C8b90571416F396B1bDe01e02b

CallBreaker deployed at address: 0x11C323a5340DAE5B958141d352Acf1cdB41dAc37

SmarterContract deployed at address: 0x10CebBf8bec29508e30734399dD4Bf263c3836D1

CronTwoCounter deployed at address: 0xE7dc00F9fd2E262F4b9687432284114EbB1E4Dc5

SelfCheckout deployed at address: 0x04BD72F1d567b17C3c5419A22b39F7F8c5eC6C10

What does this mean? Very simply, we’re shipping!

The deployed scripts themselves aren’t stitched together yet with all the other goodies we’ve been building over the past few years and months. Soon. But if you’re a blockchain dev, this gives you a glimpse into where we’re going en route to making Ethereum & realms maximally useful and maximally secure.

If you’d like a deeper dive into our documentation, please check out If you want to try a click-through demo, it’s here at

Dude, Where’s Muh Chain?

Ultimately, STXN will be on all the chains. Bold claim, but you’ll see. For now, if you want us to deploy on your chain, be like Jesse Pollak 🫡 & please send us a BIG chunk of your testgas token, plus ecosystem support to get the word out. Quickest way to link up is on but all our socials are open. Ape together strong.



Natalia Müller Peña
Smart Transactions

Data and solution architect by training, specialised in AI and algorithmic biases (gender/ race) and solving blockchain immutability issues.