High technology in sniping

Alex Kemeroff
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

Gunsmiths decades working to improve the weapon points. The use of optical targets and the development of the designs of the weapons themselves seems to be approaching the limit of possibilities. Provide further development of precision weapons can advanced electronic systems integrated into the design of weapons. Our company offers the concept of “High-precision acceptance of small arms” (HPASA), which offers solutions for significantly increasing accuracy when firing at long ranges.

In accordance with the concept of HPASA, we decided to develop a complex the SS “IZUBR” (sighting system “IZUBR”). It includes an electronic sight Optical Guidance and Tracking System (OGTS) with a built-in laser rangefinder, ballistic computer and automatic tracking of the target. In addition, a gun control and a video camera for recording the aiming and shooting process are included in the sight. Video signal from the sight along with the necessary information on the radio channel can be transmitted to a smartphone or tablet arrow, on which special software is installed. In combination with some of the solutions used in the design of the rifle itself, the electronics of the SS “IZUBR” complex allow achieving high enough characteristics.

The electronic sight “IZUBR” allows the shooter to effectively fire at long ranges, and at the same time has a great influence on the use of weapons. The components of the sight allow you to search for the target and to make an aim, using an increase from 6x to 35x. Having found the goal, the shooter should place a mark on the sight on it and press the button located on the trigger guard. After that, the automatic captures the target and calculates the corrections for the shooting. Definition of almost all necessary parameters is carried out automatically, the arrow must enter only information about the strength and direction of the wind. To shoot a shooter, you need to combine the target mark with the sight mark and press the trigger. With the target tracking enabled, the automatic will lock the trigger until the tags are fully aligned. When the points fully coincide, the sight itself will allow the rifle to fire.

Weapons equipped with the sighting system “IZUBR” can fire on the edge of the capabilities of the ammunition.

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