Celebrating 61 MarCom Awards and Wondering: Which Award Would You Like to Win?

Nicki Kamau
SmartBug Media
Published in
4 min readDec 20, 2018

At SmartBug Media we are constantly producing and improving content for our clients — and internally — to ensure the best user experience and lead nurturing possible. We are proud of our work, and it seems others are, too.

We recently submitted our work to the MarCom Awards and won 61 awards — 46 of which were for client work. That brings us to a grand total of 102 awards won in 2018 so far for growth, creative work, and company culture. Yes, I’m bragging a little about the awesome work our team creates.

You probably don’t have time to review all 61 award-winning website designs, marketing campaigns, blog posts, landing pages, media placements, infographics, and podcasts, so I’ve chosen five of our platinum and gold winners to give you a taste of the award-winning work our team does every single day.

Oh, you do have time to review all 61 awards we received? Check out the list in our press release.

Move Smartly’s Blog Redesign for Realosophy

Move Smartly is a website that helps consumers make better real estate decisions. Focused on the greater Toronto Area, Move Smartly is a trusted source for thought leadership content through its articles, reports, and guides. In addition to designing and building Move Smartly’s website on HubSpot, the SmartBug team also designed the Move Smartly logo to align with the brand qualities of its parent site, Realosophy. Unlike most blogs, the website’s clean and minimalistic design includes content containers in various sizes, which creates visual interest while showcasing different types of content.

SmartBug Team: Hasan Kadenic, Amanda Singleton, Alyssa Wilie, Miranda George

The Arbor Company’s “The Journey to Senior Living” Marketing Campaign

The Arbor Company, which operates more than 28 senior living communities, wanted to create a resource guide to send to potential residents and their families. The SmartBug team created an integrated marketing campaign to be able to touch potential prospects in person as well as online. The promotional email for this campaign had a 12.5 percent click-through rate, and the pillar page has seen a 22.75 percent conversion rate to date, making this campaign extremely beneficial for The Arbor Company as a lead generation and sales tool.

Campaign Elements: Printed Book, E-Book, Pillar Page, Email, CTA

SmartBug Team: Mary Cate Spires, Mike Wolfe, Amanda Singleton, Ben Gallant, Joe Gillespie

CVM Solutions’ “State of Supplier Diversity” Marketing Campaign

For the second year in a row, CVM Solutions put out a State of Supplier Diversity survey to take the pulse of the industry at the end of 2017. CVM Solutions gathered input from both supplier diversity programs and diverse suppliers in order to deliver a well-rounded look at the industry. In April 2018, CVM released two separate reports with 50+ pages of statistics and analysis and, to date, more than 750 people have downloaded the reports and the landing page has a 43 percent submission rate. To fully leverage the effort, the SmartBug team also created two infographics, four blog posts, an email campaign, a press release, and a social media campaign called “Shaping Our Future” that solicited quotes from industry experts.

Campaign Elements: Emails, Survey, Electronic Reports, Press Release, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts

SmartBug Team: Jessica Vionas-Singer, Andy Williams, Joe Gillespie, Kristen Patel, Chelsea Boice

UroLift’s “Find a Physician” Website Enhancement

Originally, the SmartBug team created a multi-page website that breaks down everything you need to know about UroLift, a minimally invasive treatment for an enlarged prostate. While iterating on the site, the team built out a specific Find a Physician page that leverages a highly dynamic database (using HubSpot’s HubDB) to show the proximity of physicians who perform the procedure, as well as information on how to contact the physicians and their level of experience with the Urolift treatment.

SmartBug Team: Aaron Riddle, Andy Williams, Ben Gallant, Miranda George

SmartBug Media’s “The Psychology Behind Inbound Marketing” E-Book

In this e-book the SmartBug team set out to explain how marketing has traveled a similar historical path as psychology. Once highly subjective and immeasurable, psychology is now an expansive and measurable field backed by science and hard data. Marketing, too, is similar in that it hasn’t always been the most evidence-based or scientific field. In 2018 alone, the e-book has been viewed more than 800 times.

SmartBug Team: Amber Kemmis, Andy Williams, Nicki Kamau

I’d love to know: What award would you like to win? Would it be a HubSpot Impact Award for an extraordinary marketing campaign or an AVA Digital Award for an amazing microsite? Reach for the stars and tell me in the comments below.

Originally published at www.smartbugmedia.com.



Nicki Kamau
SmartBug Media

Marketing Director for SmartBug. Loves tech, mastering the art of working remotely, exploring, creating, being active outdoors, all animals & a good cup of tea.