Smartcar launches connected car platform in Germany

Sahas Katta
Published in
1 min readJun 5, 2017

Smartcar has partnered with BMW Group to enable developers to access select data from vehicles which have built-in SIM cards for data connectivity. Initially data from BMW vehicles in Germany can be accessed via Smartcar, the rollout in other countries will follow gradually.

The wide range of applications includes insurance, expense tracking, smart home, gas stations, and mobility services.

Smartcar’s platform enables developers to access data from vehicles of multiple brands through a standard API and a single development effort. Developers looking to add connected car APIs into their app or website can save time by using Smartcar.

> var smartcar = require('smartcar'); > var vehicle = new smartcar.Vehicle(vehicleId, accessToken); > vehicle.location();{"latitude": 37.401158, "longitude": -122.057613}

If you are interested, sign up for early access. If you have any questions, you can reach us at

Originally published at on June 5, 2017.

