5 trends that shaped the smart city space in 2018

Smartcity World
Published in
7 min readJan 30, 2019


The Year in Smart Cities and PPP’s

As the world’s population continues to explode, cities are realizing that they must become smarter. And so far, we have only really gotten a preview of what emerging technology and innovation can do for an urban center.

At the start of the smart city movement, city planners turned to smart technologies to make cities more efficient behind the scenes. But now, municipal leaders are using technology and data connecting them to innovators to directly impact the lives of residents and deliver a better quality of life, from less crime to better commutes to a healthier environment.

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a critical piece of this evolution, as cities struggle to balance budgeting for smart city initiatives with the need to keep taxes low amidst significant cuts in state and federal grants. Not only do PPPs relieve the financial burden that prevents smart cities from becoming a reality, but they create lasting partnerships with tantalizing benefits for citizens, cities, and…

