Eidoo Wallet, pNetwork and SmartCredit.io Announce an Exciting New Partnership

SmartCredit.io & ChainAware.ai
3 min readDec 3, 2021

We are happy to announce a new strategic partnership between Eidoo, pNetwork/pTokens and SmartCredit.io!

Eidoo — pNetwork — SmartCredit.io partnership

Eidoo Wallet is a non-custodial wallet with more than 500,000 downloads. It has launched the first-ever non-custodial crypto debit card on Layer 2. Eidoo Wallet’s native token is PNT.

pNetwork is a cross-chain bridging technology. pNetwork enables the transfer of assets into +10 supported blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Arbitrum, Polygon and many more. pNetwork has a TVL of USD220m+, and its native token is PNT.

SmartCredit.io is an Ethereum based DeFi borrowing/lending platform, focusing on fixed-interest and fixed-term loans and DeFi Fixed Income Funds (FIF). Smartcredit.io has 12,500+ registered users.

Eidoo/pNetwork will:

  • Integrate SmartCredit.io widgets into the website
  • Integrate SMARTCREDIT tokens into the Eidoo Debit Card
  • Integrate SmartCredit.io features into the Eidoo app

SmartCredit.io will:

  • Integrate PNT as collateral for fixed-term borrowing
  • Integrate pBTC as collateral for fixed-term borrowing
  • Integrate SmartCredit.io into the Eidoo app
  • Donate SMARTCREDIT tokens to the Eidoo Debit Card Airdrop


  • SMARTCREDIT Eidoo Debit Card integration and Eidoo Wallet integration to be launched at the same time
  • Target timeline for full integration: End of Q1 2022

Why Is This Partnership Important for Eidoo?

Eidoo and pNetwork are sharing one token — the PNT. The key benefits for the Eidoo Wallet are:

  • Eidoo users will have additional token utility for the PNT token. They can now use the PNT as collateral for fixed-term loans.
  • Eidoo users can take fixed-term/fixed-interest loans directly from their wallets.
  • Eidoo users can lend money directly from their wallets via the Fixed Income Funds on a fixed-term/fixed-interest basis.
  • Eidoo users can earn additional bonus rewards in SMARTCREDIT tokens for lending & borrowing from their wallet.

This integration translates into the increased utility of PNT tokens. The PNT tokens used as collateral for borrowing will be locked for the loan term, thus taking it out of circulation.

Why Is This Partnership Important for pNetwork?

The pBTC — the wrapped BTC on Ethereum — will be added as collateral in SmartCredit.io. This means pBTC holders can borrow against pBTC as collateral.

This translates into the higher utility of pBTC tokens.

Why Is This Partnership Important for SmartCredit.io?

The SmartCredit.io strategy is to grow its user base. Integrating with Eidoo and pNetwork will significantly increase the SmartCredit.io user base and help educate the world about the benefits of fixed-term lending/borrowing compared to money market funds.

Additionally, SMARTCREDIT will be integrated as one of the tokens into the Eidoo Debit Card. This increases the utility of SMARTCREDIT tokens as they can be used for daily purchases using the Eidoo Debit card.

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