and AMPnet Announce a Partnership &
3 min readJan 29, 2021 will integrate AMPnet real asset based tokens as a collateral!

Partnership & AmpNet

By the virtue of our shared core values like decentralization, global marketplace, and peer-to-peer interaction, we proudly announce our partnership with AMPnet.

AMPnet is a real-world assets tokenization platform. Real estate, investment projects, and long running investment contracts can be tokenized via AMPnet.

Along with our DeFi lending platform with a low collateral ratio for the borrowers and personal fixed-income funds for the lenders we will do the following two integrations:

  • will integrate AMPnet real asset-backed tokens as a collateral
  • AMPnet token holders will be able to monetize their real asset-backed tokens by using these tokens as collateral on

Why is this partnership important for

The DeFi lending is based very-much on using diverse project tokens as collateral. But a big part of the wealth in our world is in real assets (real estate, infrastructure, investment projects). and AMPNet integration allow using these real asset tokens as collateral for the borrowing. It allows bridging the gap between the DeFi and real-world assets. And this bridge will enable a much higher choice of collateral assets, meaning it will facilitate much more borrowing.

As a result of the partnership with

  • AMPnet can integrate the Credit As A Service API or the borrowing/lending widgets
  • will integrate the AMPnet real asset backed tokens from as collateral or as underlying for the borrowing

Many platforms are trying to attract end-users directly to their platforms in order to achieve client acquisition. It is worth knowing that is doing the same, but the main difference between standard platforms and is our focus on winning users via the partnerships.

Why is this partnership important for AMPnet?

When people think of real estate projects, they think of investments that have a longer timeline and shares with low liquidity. This means the investors have to keep their investments until the investment period ends.

Key issues in the standard real estate market are:

  • price and complexity of tokenization,
  • liquidity of the tokens
  • monetization of the tokens.

AMPnet is offering 1% fee (depending on the volume) on the issuing and listing process instead of the ca 3% of the total project value found in traditional finance.

Furthermore, AMPnet is providing a secondary market where the tokens can be sold on short notice (with a discount).

Where comes into place is the monetization of the tokens. will accept AMPnet issued asset back tokens as collateral for the borrowers. What this means is that owners of the asset back tokens will be able to monetize their asset backed tokens.


At this moment AMPnet is working on the secondary market feature which means there will be a marketplace with guaranteed liquidity providers. We can expect this feature to be launched in the summer of 2021. After that will integrate AMPnet issued asset backed tokens. Partnership Model

What will be doing is sharing the loan origination fees with the integration partners. Furthermore, the integration partners will earn the reward tokens for the borrowers and lender loan volume. As integrates tokens from AMPnet, is going to benefit from the AMPnet users.

This partnership will allow us and our new partners to find new ways of decentralized peer-to-peer lending. is also open for further partnerships. If you think your line of work is similar to ours and the benefits could be mutual, please contact us for further information.

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