5 Ways You Can Start Rocking The Vote

The Chime Blog:  Banking for the Mobile Generation
4 min readAug 10, 2016

Ah, America. The good old red, white, and blue. Last month, we celebrated our Independence Day with friends and family. We barbecued, watched fireworks, and reflected on the ideals that our Founding Fathers established.

Some constitutional rights many of us exercise everyday, mainly freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Yet, one of our most important rights — the right to vote — we only get a chance to exercise once every few years. Voting gives us all a chance to not only determine who will represent us on a local, state, and national level, but also an opportunity to address the social and civic issues we’re most passionate about. This is particularly important because different generations naturally have different concerns and priorities when it comes to our public officials and government policies.

In past elections, the Baby Boomer generation has represented the largest group of voters. This election is the first time Millennials’ voting power matches that of Baby Boomers. It’s our turn to tune in and turn out for the issues we care most about: job creation, healthcare, equal rights, college affordability, and the environment.

Here are 5 easy ways to help make sure yours and other Millennials’ voices are heard this election:

1. Get Informed.
Knowledge is power, so educate yourself on the candidates and the issues. Watch the news, read up on the facts, research the nominees, and learn what propositions are on your state’s ballot this November. Do all these and you’ll be more informed than if you just took that BuzzFeed Quiz telling you which 2016 presidential candidate you are. (Ok, maybe still take it. Who can resist a good BuzzFeed Quiz?)

2. Spread the Word.
We’re the generation that made things “go viral”, so surely we can get the word out for the issues we’re most passionate about. Take a break from catching Pokémon to tweet support for your favorite candidate or share voter registration info with your friends on Facebook. Get your friends involved by hosting debate watch parties. Want to get more creative with it? Make a Snap story about why you’re voting, or maybe a YouTube video. Even your favorite celebrities rock the vote and #TURNOUTFORWHAT they care about, from education and immigration to student debt and climate change.

3. Volunteer.
Since time is our most precious resource, what better way to demonstrate your passion than by volunteering your time to the candidate or issue you support? A quick Google search can point you in the direction of your favorite candidate’s regional office. Working directly with the campaign will help you gain greater command of issues and afford you the opportunity to inspire and mobilize local people and new voters.

4. Donate.
Too busy to volunteer your time? Volunteer your money. A few dollars can go a long way, especially when donated to smaller, grassroots efforts. But maybe you want your money to have a larger impact beyond your particular candidate or cause of choice. Organizations like Rock the Vote have a greater mission, focusing on getting Millennials across the country registered to vote and involved in the political process. When you make a donation of $25 or more to Rock the Vote with your Chime card, we’ll give you $5.00 back!

5. VOTE.
As cliche as it sounds, every vote really does count. Voter registration deadlines vary by state, so make sure you’re registered before your state’s cutoff date. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and make an impact on the government that influences our everyday lives. Remember, you’re not just voting for a candidate, you’re voting for the future. So get informed and make good choices :)

Kyle Daley
Marketing Manager

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