Converting Ideas Into Action: Next Steps for Smarter Crowdsourcing Against Corruption

Over the past eight weeks, The GovLab, in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Mexico’s Secretariat of the Civil Service (Secretaría de la Función Pública, or…

Five Hacks for Digital Democracy

reprinted from Nature 19 April 2017. Full story

The election of a politically inexperienced president in the United States, Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the initial rejection of a peace deal in a Colombian referendum to end an…

Powering the Zika Response with Open Collaboration

By Michelle Marshall, Social Protection and Health Division, Inter-American Development Bank

The lack of information sharing has posed big challenges to the international medical and emergency response community in…

Fighting Zika: The Need for Sustained But Flexible Messaging

By Carlos Scartascini

Over the last year, newspapers and television stations in the Americas have reported hundreds of stories about the Zika epidemic. The media is flooded with news accounts of…