Airmail — the email powerhouse

Johnny Chadda
Smarter Productivity
2 min readAug 8, 2016

Airmail is an email powerhouse with a serious set of features to accommodate every possible way of working with email. It is available for both the Mac as well as the iPhone and iPad, which means that you will get a unified experience regardless which platform you use.

What sets Airmail apart from the competition is the way every feature is completely customizable. Everything from which buttons are available within the user interface to defining custom actions for various productivity apps is adjustable. It is even possible to customize which keyboard keys do what on iOS, which is fantastic for people who use the iPad as their main platform. The keyboard support is fully featured, and you can expect the same level of keyboard control on iOS as you would be used to on the Mac.

As an avid OmniFocus user, I can set up an action to automatically create an action within OmniFocus with a simple press of the enter key. Many apps allow for these kind of actions, but what Airmail gets right is that the email title and body is automatically added to the action, as well as a link back to the email message itself. This means that it’s possible to process email in Airmail for iPad and create an OmniFocus action, and later opening that very same action on the Mac and have Airmail open the correct email message when the link is clicked.

I usually use the OmniFocus integration to track email that I am awaiting a reply for. With a recent update for Airmail however, there is now an option to have Airmail automatically remind me of sent email which have not been answered. This is configured by selecting the “reply reminder” button when composing a new email and selecting the amount of time to wait for a reply to arrive before notifying me. This feature alone reduces almost all of my friction with handling email and tracking responses, and lessens the need for keeping track of email replies within OmniFocus.

Get Airmail for iOS and Airmail for Mac.

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Johnny Chadda
Smarter Productivity

Engineering Manager who is intrigued by productivity, GTD, travel and photography.