6 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Results From Your Workouts

You’re trying really hard. Why are you not seeing results?

Amanda Capritto
Smarter Sweat


Image: Canva

“Why am I not seeing results from my workouts?”

A quick Google search will tell you that you’re not working hard enough — exactly what you don’t want to hear when you’ve exhausted yourself trying everything you can think of to get “in shape.” (Whatever that means).

The more you Google, the more ads you’ll see, all of which say the same thing: This product is the newest, best, most mind-blowing, fat-burning, detoxing supplement. But why should product Z work if products A through Y didn’t?

The wellness and fitness industries employ gnarly marketing tactics that make you believe you’re not enough. You don’t have enough discipline. You don’t have willpower. You need products X, Y and Z to achieve the results you so desperately want.

Your answer will never lie in some magic pill, and while working harder may be the answer for some, “move more and eat less” is an over-generalized, over-simplified answer we usually disagree with.

Want the real reason you’re not seeing results from your workouts? We’ll do you one better. Here are six reasons why.



Amanda Capritto
Smarter Sweat

Founder of Smarter Sweat, where we believe that sweating outdoors is the smarter way to sweat. Fitness expert, writer, outdoor recreationalist.