Handy cleaning equipments

10 Most Handy Equipments For Cleaning Home



New year is just around the corner, most of us are busy in preparing a guest list to invite for a new year party. We want to flaunt our spic and span homes to everyone on these occasion. Before inviting guest we always clean our home in urgency. At times we buy quality home cleaning products but still do not get good results due to lack of knowledge about right cleaning equipments.

We need different kind of cleaning equipments for every part of our home. There are many new equipments available on line as well as in market. We need to make a list of most essential handy equipments and learn their usage and importance in cleaning. Lets check some of the handy equipments for home cleaning.

Cleaning Caddy basket

Source : thehouseonhillbrook.com

There are many types of caddy baskets available in market for keeping cleaning essentials. You need to choose the caddy basket which is lightweight, tough has handles and compartments. Basket should be robust with comfortable grip. It is needed to carry dusting and cleaning essentials like the tools, scrubbers, dispensers in your basket every where in your house.


Source : in.all.biz

Always buy good quality broom. Brooms that is made of low quality of grass can not clean the house as the dust falls from the broom. For wider reach always buy a long broom. It will help you to clean the floor without bending. It will be easy to clean under the furniture and remove the cobweb from the ceilings and fan with long broom.

Dust pan set

Source : lancashirehygiene.co.uk

Dust pan set is perfect for heavy and light scrubbing. You can clean and collect the dust with dust pan set without touching it. It is a must for every apartment and home.


Source : Vivir Hogar — Republica.com

There are many types of mops available in the market. There are magic wind mops as well as flat mops. Choose mops with rotating head and adjustable handle. Many mops now can do sweeping, mopping, brooming altogether. The micro fiber cloth at the end of mop should be easy to clean and capable of lifting and trapping the dirt. Adjustable handle can help to increasing or decrease the height of the mop.

Toilet brush

Toilet Brush

Toilet brush is essential for cleaning the toilets. They are use on Indian or western toilets as they are easy to hold a use them.

Vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaner

They are ideal for cleaning dust inside and outside of your home. You can remove dust from carpets, furniture, curtains, etc. They can also clean dried leaves and flowers from the garden.


Tooth Brush

Toothbrush can get the stains out of the grout with theses home remedies.

  • Make mixture of vinegar and water and spray it on the grout. Let it stay there for five minutes and than use the brush to clean the grout.
  • Make a mixture of baking soda and water and than brush it on the grout.

Cotton dishcloths

Cotton cloth

Always go for absorbent weave cotton dish cloths. They are useful in the kitchen to dry off dishes, pots, pans, silverware,knives etc. You can also dry range top, counter tops or anything else with these cloths.

Microfiber duster

Microfiber Duster

They are ideal for cleaning the dust from furniture, sofa, computer, window grills etc. They clean the delicate surfaces without scratching them. You can also use them for ac Cleaning, Lcd cleaning, music system, fans and lots of more home products.

Rubber gloves

Rubber Gloves

Pair off rubber gloves are must for every home for cleaning work. They are useful for doing household chores like cleaning, janitorial work etc. You also need to buy different pair of gloves for washing utensils.

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