15 Home Cleaning Tips You Should Definitely Follow

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3 min readDec 13, 2017

Make Sure your Sweet home always remain clean as much as possible. Cleaning a home after a hectic and stressful day is really a challenging task. When a guest comes, suddenly we get a motivation and initiate the process of cleaning, but without guest this motivational factor suddenly gets disappear. We start scheduling our home cleaning for tomorrow or day after tomorrow (Someone has rightly said Tomorrow never comes). So if this is your story then from now onward stop procrastinating, because here we are providing you some excellent Tips and ideas which will assist you to make your home clean and tidy in easiest and affordable way.

15 Tips and Ideas to Clean your Home

1.Start Cleaning from top to bottom. This will help to accumulate the dirt from upper portion of your house to lower portion (i.e. — Floor, Ground etc)

2.Start inculcating the importance of cleanliness among your children, friends and partner (husband, wife etc …). This will help you to get their support for your activities which will reduce your burden to a larger extent.

3.Wherever possible start applying CAYG principle — ‘Clean As You Go’. Apply this principle especially in the kitchen. You can avoid grease and dirt building up in this messy area.

4.Maintain a dustbin to accumulate trash at one place.

5.Try to keep fewer things in every room. After using particular household item keep them at their place, this will make your home clutter free. A home that isn’t filled with clutter is much easier to keep clean on a regular basis.

6.Maintain a regular home cleansing schedule.

7.Open doors and windows to maintain a proper ventilation to get rid of stinky odor.

8.Attempt & Target an area which is most likely to be seen by the guest. Always remember first impression is the last impression.

9.Use Anti bacterial cleaner, Furnish polish, rags, glass cleaner in an accessible location. Also, use lemon and baking soda in your cleaning process.

10.Check and clean the spider web from Ceiling corners. Also, clean top and lower portion of tall cabinets, coffee table, TV sets etc.

11. Tips for Your Kitchen

  • Clean your microwave and Oven.
  • Clean stove top, kitchen surface areas and floor.
  • Clean dishwasher and appliances.
  • Get rid of expired foods.
  • Scrub down Fridge.
  • Wipe backsplash.

12. Tips for your Bathroom

  • Remove scum using Water, Vinegar and Lemon juice.
  • Wipe down Faucet with dry sheet to make it shiny.
  • Clean mirrors.
  • Clean medicine cabinet and storage.

13. Tips for your Bedroom

  • Deep clean your mattress & wash pillows, linens and comforters.
  • Clean out & Organize your closet and drawers.
  • Clean furniture, mirrors, walls, fixtures and decorative items.
  • Dust blinds / Wash curtains.

14. Always try to use environment friendly products. This will help to safeguard you and your family.

Professional Home Cleaning Service

15. Last but not the least. In addition to these activities, hire a professional home cleaning services periodically. You will find lot of companies who provide Home Cleaning Services.

With these tips, you can ensure that both exterior and interior part of your house remains clean. It is also a matter of necessity as neglecting it could lead to numerous health complications both for you and your family. If you don’t have time then book Residential cleaning services.

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