Edwin Smith
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2017


Astrologers in Mumbai

Is Astrology A Hoax?

Astrologers and astrology have a very high importance in India. We often hear celebrities, rich industrialist, businessmen taking help from Astrologers. They consult astrologers before making any important decisions about personal or professional life. It is a widely popular practice in India. Many middle class and poor people consult astrologers as they need their help to find the solution for their problems. Before planning for marriage, parents consult astrologers to match the horoscope. They check the compatibility of their children with their future spouse. After child birth, parents consult astrologers to make a birth chart to predict baby’s future. They also select first letter of baby’s name based on his/her birth chart. Also, while buying a house people consult astrologers to find the auspicious moment to enter the house. And perform house warming ceremony to remove negative energies. Many people consult astrologers to get guidance and help to lead a happy and prosperous life.

Types of Astrology

Astrology today

There are many good astrologers in India although we also come across many fake astrologers every day. They misguide people and cheat them by asking them to perform certain religious rituals to get rid of their difficulties or problems. They mostly deceive people to earn quick money. Overall, they create bad image about astrology and astrologers. Many people believe and know that astrology is a science but common people don’t understand this concept and science in same way. We often do not know how the electronic equipment’s run in our house but we do use them as they are useful for us. In the same way, people have no knowledge about the science of Astrology but they know it exist and some people believe in it and some don’t. It’s a personal choice which depends on individual’s interest. For me, astrology is something I find very interesting and intriguing. Astrology can help us understand ourselves, our life mission and our spiritual journey. It can be a tool to explore our inner views and inner maps.

Astrologers and Astrology?

We need to find out what exactly is astrology? We need to study and understand astrology before making any assumptions. Many people do not have any knowledge about astrology but they consider it as fake. It is a popular belief in youngsters currently as they do not want to study and understand astrology. I think everyone needs to understand the concept of astrology before making any wrong assumption or impression about it. We hear or see astrological predictions everywhere. Television channels show astrology-based shows every day. And we can also check astrological predictions in newspapers. Many people have made astrology as their business. They want to earn money but they don’t have any aim to heal or help individuals. They are not interested in contributing happiness and growth of human kind. Due to this unsympathetic fake astrologers genuine astrologers have to suffer. They usually spend their whole life in studying astrology to help people. But in the end find it difficult to help troubled individuals or offer them a solution.

Science and Astrology

Effects of planets on our life

Today, science is also trying to find out the effect of planets on our life. Planets have cosmic effects on our life, health, career and relationships. Now, anyone can search on Google, how planets are affecting people’s lives. You can check on this link http://bit.ly/2s0LLyn

Birth month can predict your ailments.

Birth month can indicate how much you will earn.

Most serial killers are born in the month of November.

Most Nobel prize winners are born in the month of June.

Most fit, stronger and powerful people are born in October/November.

We feel mesmerized when we come to know about this kind of effects that planets have on us. Even though these planets are thousands of miles away from us. How they can influence us and our lives? It’s a very amazing and curious study topic. We are somehow related to this vast universe. We are just minute part of this vast universe and this universe is within us in the same way as we are part of this universe. Even scientists are now getting aware of these facts. Universe and planets can enormously affect our life in some subversive way.

We all want to lead a happy and prosperous life hence we often try to find solutions for all of our problems by understanding astrology. You can easily find genuine and experienced astrologers in Mumbai on smartfind.in

