Things you need to take care while living with HIV infection

Neelam Halankar
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2017

Today it’s possible for HIV patients to live a long, healthy and better quality of life. If you are suffering from HIV, you need to take proper care of yourself to stay healthy. Make appropriate life choices to protect others from this disease. Let’s check some ways to remain healthy.

Stay in touch with your doctor

As soon as you are diagnosed with HIV, take regular treatment and medicines. Visit your nearest doctor regularly to keep a check on your medical condition. Proper counselling and remedies will protect your immune system and slow down the progression of this disease. If you are feeling any new changes in body and suffering from any kind of soreness consult your doctor immediately. Regular diet, and medicine course will also reduce the chances of transmitting HIV to your sex partners. Daily exercise, nutritious food as well as enough rest can also help you to maintain your health.

Stay Happy

Take care of your physical, mental and emotional well being. HIV can’t stop you from fulfilling your life goals. This disease can come to you as a shock. Support from others can help you in this difficult situation. Think what makes you happy, what are your life goals and passions, then try to take steps in right direction to live a healthy and happy life.

Inform your partners.

Many people hide that they are HIV infected from their partners and put their partner’s life in danger. It can be a fear or a feeling of shame which stops them from revealing the truth about their medical condition. It’s very important to disclose with your partner even if you are not comfortable doing it. Communicating with your partner will help both of you to take steps to prevent and spread this disease and to stay healthy. When you are living together, you should make sure your personal belongings like toothbrush, razer, comb etc kept separately.

Get support

Talk to people, try to find information about this disease. People who are suffering from HIV often don’t get support from their family and society in general. HIV positive people can talk to each other to understand each other’s difficulties and to support each other. You can also learn from these people how they are living their life with HIV infection.

These are some of the things you need to take care of while living with HIV infection. Do not lose hope there is always help available. You can visit your nearest Doctor to get information about this disease. Nowadays there are advance medicines available to treat this disease.

