
Top 10 Things That Can Ruin Your Beauty

Neelam Halankar
4 min readFeb 19, 2018


To take care of our skin we follow daily skin care regime. We also invest in quality skin care products for moisturizing, exfoliating and toning. Many people pay hefty amount for costly cosmetics and beauty products to enhance their beauty. When it comes to taking care of skin we tend to think we have done already enough. Yet we are not receiving good results. We are not aware of some of our unhealthy bad habits that wreck our skin.

Taking care of your skin involves finding some of our unhealthy habits. By changing those every day habits we’ll positively keep our skin in good health. Be more conscious of your body and every day habits. Recognize some of your bad habits that are ruining your beauty.

Sleeping with Makeup

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Never sleep with makeup on, its not good for skin. If you make it a habit you will face many skin issues. Such as wrinkles, breakouts, dry skin, broken eye lashes and even eye infection and bacterial infection. Remove make up before going to bed. If you feel too tired to walk then keep makeup removing wipes near bed.

Intermittent dieting

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Intermittent fasting will cause your skin to dry and it will age faster. Additionally the fiber in your skin can get loose, causing stretch marks and sag. Always include sweet potatoes, avocados, oranges, peanuts in your diet. They are rich source of vitamins and are good for your skin.

Trying too many new products

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While using new products, apply it first on small patch of your skin. Apply it some anywhere on your arm to avoid allergic reaction on your face. Do not try too many new products directly on your face.

Sleep deprivation

Not getting enough sleep can cause dull skin and clogged pores. At least eight hours of sleep is essential to feel refreshed. Skin feel rejuvenated and re hydrated after getting good sleep.


Stress is very harmful for skin. It can cause blemishes, dullness and rashes. Additionally stress lines occur on face due to stress. Take some spare time to enjoy the things that you love to beat stress. Such as cooking, reading, travelling, meditation or yoga.

Having sweet tooth

Sugar destroys the collagen nestled in your skin and cause it to sag. Therefore avoid consuming an excessive amount of sugar. You can eat sweet fruits like mango, apple or pineapple to fight sweet tooth.

Too much ac

Keeping your ac on fully speed all the time can cause skin dryness. It will get rid of humidity and moisture from air,which will relinquish your skin moisture.

Secondhand smoke

Smoking or being around smokers will cause sagging within the skin. It can even speed up the aging process and wrinkles.

Heavy make up

Avoid using make up some days of the week to allow your skin to breath. it will avoid premature aging, break outs and prevent clogged pores.

Not Exercising

Exercising increases the blood flow and removes toxins from the body. It also gives healthy glow to your face.

Book and schedule your appointment with best beauty experts in Mumbai here. There are expert professionals experienced fitness trainers available who can help you to get a healthy and fit body.

You can also read: Don’t waste money on expensive skin care products

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